KRETZSCHMAR, Ludwig Burkhard Benjamin. Lauchhammer, Oberspreewald-Lausitz 5.1.1901 — Normandy 19.7.1944. German Student of Indology. Son of engineer Johannes Kr. (1870–1916) and Elisabeth Hultzsch (?). Ph.D. 1936 Halle (?). Died in WW II. Publications: Diss. Bhavabhūti, der Dichter des Dharma. 7+116 p. Halle 1931. Sources: Janert; *vita in diss.; dates in; (2022).

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KRAHMER, August Wilhelm

KRAHMER,  Friedrich August Wilhelm. Schiedungen, Nordhausen, Thüringen 22.11.1809 — Ibid. 4.5.1895. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian. Ph.D. 1833 Göttingen, diss. on Joel. From 1833 or 1835 to 1840 PD of Oriental Languages, incl. Sanskrit, at Marburg (Rabault-Feuerham 2008). In 1840 emigrated to Russia. The Vorrede of his 1862 book is signed…

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KOŘÍNEK, František

KOŘÍNEK, František. Nové Mešto, Moravia 10.1.1899 — 19??. Czech Linguist. Ph.D. Prague. From 1935 PD of Comparative Linguistics at Bratislava. Publications: Diss. Sources: Mentioned in a contemporary catalogue of universities and in The name is common enough and for one unfamiliar with Slovakian and Czech it is almost impossible to sift out…

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KOHOUT, Václav

KOHOUT, Václav. Kolín 1802? — Jasov 6.11.1867. Czech Catholic Theologian. Premonstratensian Vicar in Poprad (Slovakia) in 1849-65. Publications: Manuscript works Tentamen condiscendae lingue zingaricae and  Exercitatio lingo zingaricae (1821) kept in Premonstratensian library in Jasov. Sources: Kdo Byl Kdo: Čeští a slovenští orientalisté, afrikanisté a iberoamerikanisté, referring to *Slovenský biografický slovník 3, 1989, 133; Studia Bibliographica Posoniensia 1/2009, 182 (English…

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KNIGHTON, William. Dublin 16.1.1824 — Tileworth, St. Leonards on Sea, Sussex 31.3.1900. British (Irish) Journalist in Sri Lanka and Civil Servant in India. Son of Richard Knighton (1785–1826) and Jane Ann Bowes (1787–1828), educated in Glasgow. After graduating went to Ceylon in 1843. For a short time worked as the…

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KNIGHT, Joseph

KNIGHT, Joseph.17.10.1787 — Cotta (or Colombo?), Sri Lanka 11.10.1840, when 53. Rev. British Missionary in Sri Lanka. Arrived at Colombo in June 1818 with three others (S. Lambrick, R. Major and B. Ward), then worked for Church Missionary Society at Nellore (Nallur) in Jaffna. Immediately he began to learn Tamil…

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KLJUEV, Boris Ivanovič

KLJUEV, Boris Ivanovič. Moscow 18.7.1927 — 2000. Russian Urdu-Hindi Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated 1952 Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1964 Moscow. Dr. ist. nauk 1982. In 1952-71 in Foreign Ministry: in 1952-54 and 1956-60 in Pakistan, 1964-68 in India. In 1971-82 worked in CK KPSS, in 1982-88 taught at…

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KLEMM, Erika

KLEMM, Erika. 1936 — 1993. German (East) Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Studies at Leipzig. Worked in VEB Verlag in Leipzig and in the 1960s collaborated with Nespital. Possibly she is the same E.K. who knew Uwe Johnson and was apparently married with the musicologist Eberhard Klemm (1929–1991), of Leipzig. Publications: Wörterbuch Hindi-Deutsch. Lp.…

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KLICH, Edward

KLICH, Edward. Skalat (now in Ukraina) 2.2.1878 — Poznań 1.12.1939. Polish Linguist, Specialist of Slavic and Gipsy Languages. Student of Rozwadowski at Cracow. From 1929 Professor at Poznań. Killed by Nazis. Publications: Wrote on Slavic linguistics (Polish and Belarus). – “Wpływy języka polskiego na dialekty Cyganów polskich”, Prace polonist. ofiar. prof. Janowi…

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KISTNER, Otto August Heinrich. 11.11.1841 — 1903. German?. Living in Leipzig (1856/69). Publications: Buddha and his doctrines. A bibliographical essay. 4+32 p. L. 1869. – A book catalogue and commercial dictionaries. Sources: Scanty notes in Internet.

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