MCGOVERN, William Montgomery

MCGOVERN, William Montgomery. New York 28.12.1897 — Evanston, Ill. 12.12.1964. U.S.Anthropologist and Journalist. Professor in Evanston. Son of Janet Blair (née Montgomery) and Felix Daniel McGovern. Grew up in Japan, then studied at Sorbonne and Berlin. D.Phil. 1922 Oxford (Christ Church). Taught Chinese at S.O.A.S. 1918-24. In 1922-23 visited Tibet…

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MACFARLANE, Charles. Scotland 18.12.1799 — London 9.12.1858. British (Scottish) Author of Historical Works, Travel Books and Novels. Son of Robert M. In 1816–27 lived in Italy, then 16 months in Constantinople. Then in London as free author, in 1847-48 again in Turkey and Italy. Married Charlotte Emily Ormsden (d. 1854),…

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MYRIANTHEUS, Laurentios (Λαυρέντιος Μυριανθεύς). 18?? — 1???. Cypriote Scholar. From Lefkosia (Nicosia), educated at Rhizareios Ekklêsiastikê Scholê (in Athens). Studies at Munich under W. Christ and Haug. Ph.D. (between 1870-73). In 1875/76 returned to Cyprus, and was apparently known as a linguist in Greece and Cyprus, but not important enough…

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MUUSSES, Martha A.

MUUSSES, Martha Adriana. Purmerend 27.9.1894 — Laren, North Holland 27.10.1981. Dutch Indologist. Daughter of Jan Muusses (1847–1909), a bookseller, and Trijnte Ruerdi (1860–1920). Matriculated from Hoorn, started study of Dutch philology at Utrecht, soon became student of Caland. Ph.D. 1920 Utrecht, with a diss. on sacred cows. For a few…

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MUS, Paul

MUS, Paul Léon Joseph. Bourges (Cher) 1.6.1902 — Murs (Vaucluse) 9.8.1969. French Art Historian, Sociologist and Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a protestant couple of teachers, in 1907 the family moved to Vietnam (English Wikipedia Hanoi, French Saigon). Studies in Paris under Lévi, Mauss, Pelliot, etc., of Sanskrit, Chinese,…

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MURRAY, Alexander

MURRAY, Alexander. Dunkitterick, Kirkcudbrightshire 22.10.1775 — Edinburgh 15.4.1813. British (Scottish) Philologist and Oriental Scholar. Son of Robert Murray, a shepherd and farm labourer. Of modest origin, bur talented, he was admitted to Edinburgh University, although he had hardly any formal education, and thus became a priest. From 1812 Professor of…

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MURPHY, Robert Xavier

MURPHY, Robert Xavier. 1803 — Kingstown, Dublin 26.2.1857. Irish Teacher, Journalist, Classical and Oriental Scholar in India. “He went out to Bombay as a master under the Bombay Native Education Society [1826 already there]; a classical scholar and quick acquiring Oriental languages. Edited the Bombay Gazette, 1834. Acted, 1839, as…

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MUNK, Salomon

MUNK, Salomon. Gross-Glogau, Silesia (now Glogów, Poland) 2.5.1802 — Paris 5/6.2.(14.5.?)1867. German Oriental Scholar in France. Professor in Paris. Born in a Jewish family in Prussian Silesia, son of a poor synagogue servant, Lippmann Samuel Munk, educated at Rabbinical school in Gross-Glogau and in Berlin. Despite of poverty succeeded to…

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MUNDY, Peter

MUNDY, Peter. Before 1609 — after 1667. British Trader and Traveller. From Penryn in Cornwall, son of a pilchard trader. In 1609-10 in France. In 1611 he became a cabin boy in a merchantman, gradually arose to higher positions. Visited Constantinople (1617) and Spain (1621 & 1625). Three times in…

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MUIR, John

MUIR, John. Glasgow 5.2.1810 — Edinburgh 7.3.1882. British (Scottish) Indologist in India (1829-54) and in Edinburgh. Son of William Muir (1783–1820), a merchant, and Helen Macfie (1784–1866), elder brother of Sir William Muir (1819–1905) who also served in India and was a well-known scholar of Arabic and Islam. Educated at…

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