MARCUS, Walther

MARCUS, Walther. Dresden 2.12.1889 — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. After gymnasium in Dresden (matriculated 1910) studies at Giessen, Heidelberg and Berlin. Ph.D. 1914 Heidelberg. Publications: Diss. Zur Bildung der Intensiva in den altarischen Dialekten und im Griechischen. 79 p. Lp. 1914. – One W.M. edited the book: J.…

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MARCO DELLA TOMBA (lay Pietro Girolamo Agresti). Tomba (now Castel Colonna) near Senigallia in Urbino 1726 — Bhagalpur (Patna) 13.3. (or 7.6.) 1803. Father. Italian Capuchin Missionary, in India 1757-73 & 1786-1803. Son of Crisostomo Agresti and Vittoria Luzietti, Capuchin novice 1745. In 1755 he joined the Tibetan mission of…

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MARAZZI, Antonio

MARAZZI, Antonio. 1814 — 18??. Italian Translator of Sanskrit Literature. Studies at Turin under Flechia. Once called Professor (perhaps in school, in Turin?). He is mentioned by De Gubernatis in his 1879 Diz. biografico, but not in the enlarged French version in 1891 – probably no longer living. In the…

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MANWARING, Alfred. Broadwater, Sussex 5.4.1855 — Hastings (St.Leonards on Sea), Sussex 12.1.1950. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of William M. and Eliza Paine (1830–1871) . Ordained 1879. He served Church Mission Society (title page of 1899 book), probably in Nasik, but all further information remains without confirmation. In 1911…

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MANUCCI, Niccolò

MANUCCI (MANNUCCI, MANUZZI), Niccolo. Venice 19.4.1638 — Madras 1717. Italian Traveller in India. Son of Pasqualino M. and Rosa Bellini. He run away from his Venetian home in the age of 14 in 1653, became servant to Viscount Bellemont and travelled via Smyrna, Isfahan, Gombron and by ship to Surat…

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MANSION, Joseph. Ghent 9.1.1877 — Liège 8.11.1937. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Liège. Son of the mathematician Paul Mansion (1844–1919) and Marie-Cécile Belpaire. After school in Ghent he studied in 1894-99 classical philology and law at Université de Gand where he also learned Sanskrit under La Vallée Poussin. Ph.D. 1899 in…

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MANRIQUE, Sebastião

MANRIQUE, Sebastião (Sebastien). Porto 1590? — London 1669. Portuguese Augustinian monk and Missionary in India. Came early to Goa. Arriving in ship from Goa in 1612 he started with three other missionaries the catholic mission in Bengal. During 13 years in India he saw and described many little known places. From…

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MANNING, Thomas. Broome, Norfolk 8.11.1772 — Bath 2.5.1840  [Wikipedia near Dartfors 1840]. British Physician and Traveller in Asia, visited Lhasa. Buckland (with additions):“Son of the Rev. William M. [and Elizabeth Adams], educated at Caius College, Cambridge. Scholar, 1790-95, private tutor, studied mathematics, friend of Porson and Charles Lamb. Studied Chinese…

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MANNING, Charlotte

MANNING, Charlotte (former Speir, née Solly). Leyton, Essex 30.3.1803 — Westminster 1.4.1871. A Britishwoman interested in Indian History. Daughter of merchant Isaac Solly, of Leyton, Essex, and Mary Harrison. Married 1835 with physician William Speir, M.D., lived in Calcutta. As a widow she came to England and collaborated with H.…

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MANNERHEIM, Carl Gustaf Emil, baron. Louhisaari, Askainen 4.6.1867 — Lausanne 28.1.1951. Finnish Military Leader, Statesman and Traveller. Born in a family of nobility as the son of Carl Robert Mannerheim and Hélène von Julin (1842–1881) he obtained military education in Hamina and St.Petersburg and became an officer in Russian army.…

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