MÜHLL(-KERN), Wilhelm von der

MÜHLL(-KERN), Wilhelm von der. 22.8.1852 — 3.7.1923. Swiss Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Karl Georg v.d.M. and Emilie Merian. Studies of Classics and IE at Basel. Married 1877 Emma Sophie Kern, one son. Publications: Diss. Über die Aspiration der Tenues vor Nasalen und Liquidis im Zend und im Griechischen. 71…

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MUDRA, Stanislav

MUDRA, Stanislav. Plzeň 6.5.1910 — 1???. Czech Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1936/37 Prague (under Pertold). One St.M. died in Prague 1960. Publications: Diss. Funkcehlavy vnáboženství a jak se jeví u některých kmenů indických. 1936/37. Sources: Disertace pražské universitety. Prague 1965.

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MORTON, William

MORTON, William. Limerick 1794 — 18??. Rev. Irish Missionary in India. Son of John Morton and Rebecca Ingram. In Cossipore, for a while also in Chinsura, working for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. In 1826 he is mentioned as Professor and Chaplain of Calcutta Grammar-School. He had health…

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MORRISON, John. 18?? — 19??. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. M.A., B.D. In 1889-1904 Principal of Scottish Church College in Calcutta. In 1904 Alexander Robertson Lecturer at Glasgow and Gunning Lecturer at Edinburgh, his 1907 book is based on both lectures. D.D. Calcutta. Still active 1910. Publications: The Story of…

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MORLAND-HUGHES, Walter Robert James

MORLAND-HUGHES, Walter Robert James. Dover 7.5.1923 — Dehra Dun 7.11.1947. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Charles Morland Cunynghame Hughes (1870–1948), a banker, and Elsie Louise Ginn (1888–1977). Captain of Gurkha Rifles. Died of polio. Publications: Grammar of the Nepali Language. 87 p. L. 1947. Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

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MORISY, John. 1??? — 1???. Unidentified. On title pages he is simply called Mr. One J. Morisy was born in Bohonuya Callan, Kilkenny, Ireland in 1826. Probably another was physician in Dublin 1845. Our J.M. writes 1866 that he had studied Hindustani many years. Publications: “Inquiry into the Existence of a…

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MORIARTY, Gerald Patrick

MORIARTY, Gerald Patrick. Dieppe, France 1.4.1863 — Cambridge 21.6.1924. British (Irish?) Historian. Son of Stephen Stack Moriarty (1805–1869) and Herbert Maria Stack, educated at Brighton College. From 1881 studies at Balliol College, Oxford (B.A. 1885). Worked as tutor in Oxford, then from 1895 I.C.S. teacher and 1897-1924 University Teacher of…

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MORGENSTIERNE, Georg  Valentin von Munthe af. Christiania (Oslo) 3.1.1892 — Oslo 3.3.1978. Norwegian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Oslo. Son of Professor (lawyer) Bredo von Munthe af M. (1851–1930) and Bertha Ludwigsen Schjelderup (1857–1943). Matriculated from Christiania 1909. Studies at Christiania, of classical philology, comparative linguistics and Indology (under Konow), then…

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MONTRIOU, William Austin

MONTRIOU, William Austin. 1810 — 1885. British Lawyer in India. Son of William M. and Mary Ann Carvick. Called to bar from Inner Temple in 1837. Advocate in Calcutta High Court. Also Professor of Law and Jurisprudence at Presidency College. Married 1839 Ann Julia Fitzpatrick and 1850 Eliza Mitchell, three children…

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MONTESI, Giancarlo

MONTESI, Giancarlo. 1928 — 1983. Italian Scholar of Religion. Ph.D. 1954 Rome, under Pettazzoni. Worked at La Sapienzà teaching comparative religion. Publications: Diss. Tamas – Usas – Rtà. [1954]. – “II valore cosmico dell’Aurora nel pensiero mitologico del Rig-Veda”, Studi e materiali per la storia delle religioni 24-25, 1953-54, 111-132; “Uṣāsānaktā. Mitologia vedica della notte”, Studi…

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