OSTER, Ludwig

OSTER, Ludwig. Mannheim 27.3.1888 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Son of post master, Geh. Oberpostrat Ludwig Oster After school in Berlin, gymnasium 1897-1901 in Erfurt and 1901-05 Konstanz. In 1905-08 studies at Berlin, of classical philology, linguistics and especially Indology under Pischel, after Pischel’s death continued at Heidelberg under…

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OSSOWSKI, Juliusz J.

OSSOWSKI, Juliusz Jan. Danzig (Gdansk) 4.11.1855 — Königsberg 4.2.1882. Polish Student of Indo-Iranian Linguistics. Son of Henryk O. (d. 1868), a smith, and Marianna Skibińska. After gymnasium in Chełmnie began 1875 studies at Breslau: Classics, German and Sanskrit (Stenzler). In 1877 interrupted because of health problems. After a while as…

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OSIPOV, Aleksandr Mihajlovič

OSIPOV, Aleksandr Mihajlovič. Karsunsk. u. Simbirsk. gub. 11.(23.)8.1897 — 19.2.1969. Russian Historian of India. Son of a farmer. Graduated 1926 from Moscow. Kand. ist. nauk 1942, Docent 1942, Professor 1963. In 1932-36 naučnyj sotrudnik at International Agrarian Institute. Taught at Moscow Oriental Institute in 1926-35 and from 1936 at Moscow…

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ORVILLE, Albert d’

ORVILLE, Albert d’ (Le Comte d’Orville, Dorville). Brussels 12.8.1621 — Agra 8.4.1662. S.J. Belgian Missionary. Son of a nobleman, Louis Le Comte, seigneur d’Orville, and Anna Hellincx. Joined Jesuits in 1646 and studied at Ingolstadt and Louvain. He volunteered to China Mission and was ordained in 1654, then prepared in…

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ORTERER, Georg (1901 Ritter von O.). Wörth bei Erding, Upper Bavaria 30.10.1849 — Munich 5.10.1916. German Student of Indo-Iranian, then Teacher and Bavarian Politician. Son of Philipp Orterer (d. 1862), an elementary school teacher, and Therese Bartel. Educated in Erding, Scheyern and Freising. From 1868 studies of Classics and IE…

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ORTA, García d’

ORTA, García d’ (G. de Orta, ab Horto, del Jardin; Anrique de Orta). Castelo de Vide 1501? — Velha Goa 1568 (or at latest 1572). Spanish physician and botanist in Portuguese service in India, from 1534 until his death. Born in eastern Portugal as the son of Spanish Jewish refugees,…

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ORME, Robert

ORME, Robert. Anjengo (Anchuthengu), Travancore 25.12.1728 — Great Ealing (London) 13.1.1801. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. Historiographer of the E.I.C. Son of Surgeon Alexander Orme of E.I.C. and his wife, née Hill. In the age of two he was sent to his aunt in London, educated at Harrow…

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ORLICH, Leopold von

ORLICH, Leopold Ludwig von. Stallupönen, Ostpreussen (now Nesterov in Kaliningrad oblast) 30.6.1804 — London 2.6.1860. German Officer, Traveller and Historian. Son of a Prussian officer, Major Ludwig Julius von Orlich (1755–1810), and Frederike Charlotte von Klingspor. Served also himself in Prussian army. In 1842 he went to India as Captain in…

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ORIANNE, Georges-Barthélemy

ORIANNE, Georges-Barthélemy. London 9.3.1802 — Pondichéry 22.4.1854. French Colonial Servant and Indologist interested in Indian law. Son of Claude Charles O. and Mary Keech. Served in Chandernagore, from 1841 conseilleur à la Cour royale de Pondichéry, finally President of Cour d’appel there. Translated Indian legal works from English. Married 1838…

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ORAZIO DELLA PENNA DI BILLI, Francesco (Franciscus Horatius a Pennabilli; lay conte Luzio Olivieri). Pennabilli, Marche ?.11.1680 — Patan, Nepal 20.7.1745. Count. Italian Capuchin Missionary in Tibet. Born as an Italian nobleman, son of count Orazio Olivieri and his wife Francesca, entered the Capuchin monastery of Pietrarubbia in 1700.As a member…

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