WINTERNITZ, Moriz. Horn/Nieder-Österreich 23.12.1863 — Prague 9.1. 1937. Austrian Indologist in Czechoslovakia. Professor in Prague. Son of a modest Jewish shop-keeper, Bernhard W. and Theresia Robitschek. Gymnasium in Horn. In 1880-85 studied at Vienna classics and philosophy, soon also Sanskrit (under Bühler). Ph.D. 1886 Vienna. In 1886-91 Assistant to Max…

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WINTER, August

WINTER, August. 1866 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Studied first under Jacobi at Bonn. Ph.D. 1893 Breslau (Hillebrandt). If the second book is by him, he was probably a teacher. Publications: Diss. Çivādityi Saptapadārthi, primvm edidit, prolegomena, interpretationem latinam, explanationes et exempla adiecit. 1. 11+22 p. Lipsiae 1893; in German: “Die Saptapadārthi…

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WINSTEDT, Richard Olaf. Oxford 2.8.1878 — Putney, London 2.6.1966. Sir. British South-East Asian (Malay) Scholar. Son of a naturalized Swedish father and English mother, Sarah Castell. Educated at Magdalen College School and New College, Oxford. In 1902 joined Malayan Civil Service, served first in Perak. From 1913 District Officer at…

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WINSLOW, Miron. Williston, Vermont 11.12.1789 — Cape Town 22.10.1864. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Tamil Lexicographer in South Asia, where he remained in 1819-64. Son of Nathaniel Winslow and Anna Kellogg. Graduated from Middlebury College 1815 and Andover Theological Seminary 1818, ordained priest 1818. Together with his wife he arrived in…

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WINFIELD, Walter Warren

WINFIELD, Walter Warren. 8.6.1889 — 6.4.1970. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Harry Winfield and Clara Jane East (1852–1906). B.A., B.D. In 1917-27 worked in Udayagiri (Nellore dt., Andhra Pr.), 1927-29 in Banbury, then taught  from 1930 at Serampore College. Married 1919 in Madras Lottie Lydia Johnson (1891–1966),…

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WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus

WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus. Mainz 24.8.1775 — Bonn 23.4.1839. German Philosopher. Professor in Bonn. Father of —> Friedrich W. (1811–1861). Born and educated in Mainz. Studied philosophy at Mainz, soon moved to Würzburg because of French invasion, now also took medicine and science, 1796 Mainz, then one year in…

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WINDISCHMANN, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo. Aschaffenburg 13.12.1811 — Munich 23.8.1861. German Indo-Iranian Scholar and Theologian, Catholic Priest. Son of Professor —> K.J.H.W. (1775–1839) and Anna Maria Pizzala, educated in Bonn. In 1827-32 studied at Bonn philosophy (under his father), classics and Sanskrit (von Schlegel & Lassen). Ph.D. 1832 Bonn. From 1832…

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WINDISCH, Ernst Wilhelm Oskar. Dresden 4.9.1844 (or 14.9.?) — Leipzig (or Dresden?) 30.10.1918. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of a schoolteacher, Louis W. Windisch and Caroline Lamm.After Kreuzschule in Leipzig studiedfrom 1863 at Leipzig classics (under Ritschl), Germanic (Zarncke), Sanskrit (Brockhaus) and Comparative Linguistics (Curtius). Ph.D.…

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WINDEKENS, Albert Joris van. Mountain-Ash, Wales 23.4.1915 — Leuven 28.3.1989. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Louvain. Born in the U.K., after the war family returned to Belgium. Studies under Carnoy at Louvain, then under Filliozat in Paris. Dr. en philologie classique 1939, Dr. en philol. & histoire orientales 1941. From 1944…

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WINANS, Samuel Ross

WINANS, Samuel Ross. Lyons Farms, NJ 1.3.1855 — Princeton, NJ 25.7.1910. U.S. Classical Philologist also interested in Sanskrit. Son of the elder S. R. Winans and Ann D. Woodruff. Educated at Princeton (A.B. 1874, Ph.D. 1882). In 1876-81 tutor in Greek, 1881-83 adjunct Professor of Greek and instructor of Sanskrit,…

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