RODRIGUEZ, Etienne Alexander

RODRIGUEZ, Etienne Alexander. 1??? — 1???. Anglo-Indian? Son of Captain Francis R. of the ship L’Esperance. Head Draftsman in the Survey Department, Madras. Publications: The Hindoo pantheon, comprising the principal deities worshipped by the natives of British India: being a collection of coloured sketches representing the gods and goddesses, accompanied by…

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ROBINSON, William (civil servant)

ROBINSON, William Rose. 28.6.1822 — London 27.4.1886. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of the elder W.R.R. (1781–1834) and Mary Douglas (1783–1864), after Haileybury joined I.C.S. in 1842. In the 1840s Head Assistant Collector of Malabar, in 1847 inspected the Laccadives (Lakshadweep). In the 1850s commanded Madras Police. Inspector General…

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ROBINSON, Thomas. 1790 — Rochester 17.5.1873. Rev. British Clergyman in India. Son of Rev. Thomas Robinson (1749–1813), lost his mother as infant (1791). Educated at Rugby. Studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816. Ordained priest 1816 and left for India as missionary. Worked at Senoot and Poona (Pune),…

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ROBERTSON, Alexander

ROBERTSON, Alexander. Dingwall 28.3.1877 — 19??. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of William R. and Margaret Urquhart, educated in Kilmorack, Inverness and Edinburgh. Studies at Aberdeen, M.A. 1898. Worked for United Free Church as missionary in India in 1902-37, concentrating on Dalits. First 20 years in Poona (Pune),…

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ROBERTS, Joseph. Rev. Missionary in Sri Lanka and India, author of “Extracts from the Sakaa Thewan Saasteran, or Book of Fate, translated from the tamul language by the Rev. J.R.”, ch. 2 (of 68 p.) in Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages. 1. L. 1831. He was himself a Sri Lankan…

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RIDOUT, John Bertram Mais. Bourne, Cambridgeshire 17.7.1866 — Swanage, Dorset 31.12.1944. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Rev. John Dowell Ridout and Alician Maria Mais. District Surveyor from 1889, Assistant Superintendent 1897, Acting Superintendent 1901, Superintendent 1904. Still in Ceylon in 1914, in 1915 in war service as Captain. Publications: “Ritigala”,JRAS-CB 12:43,…

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RICE, Carlton C.

RICE, Carlton Cosmo. 1876 — 1945. U.S. Linguist. Studies at University of Texas (A.B. 1897, M.A. 1899) and Harvard (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1902 Harvard. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages at University of Oregon 1902-03, Stanford U. 1903-05, University of Iowa 1907-09, Associate Professor at University of Idaho, 1909-11 From 1926…

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RENEL, Charles

RENEL, Charles Ulysse. Strasbourg 6.5.1866 — Antanarivo 9.9.1925. French Philologist. Son of Émile R., a railway official, and Uranie Lafite (D. 1878). After Franco-Prussian war the family moved to Épinal (Vosges). From 1884 studies in Paris, at Lycée Louis-le-Grand and from 1886 École normale supérieure, concentrating on linguistics and comparative religion.…

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PRIEUR, Édouard

PRIEUR,  Simon Léon Édouard. Bordeaux 11.2.1803 — 1848?. French Colonial Official in India. Son of Alexandre Simon Pr. and Marguerite Jenny Dulphy. Teacher in Pondichéry. Member of Conseil général in Pondichéry. Married 1841 Nancy Aimée Céléstine Lafauche, one son and one daughter. Publications: “Histoire du roi Nallane, par Adivirarameim, ancien poëte tamoul. Analyse…

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PREVEDEN, Francis Ralph. Kamenica, Croatia 1890 — Washington, DC 1959.U.S. Linguist. Born in Croatia, came to the U.S.A. in 1922. Ph.D. 1927 Chicago. Professor of Classics at De Paul University 1926-33 and at Duquesne University 1938-41. In 1942-59 served as a translator for various government agencies. Married. Publications: Mainly wrote on…

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