BUGGE, Sophus

BUGGE, Elseus Sophus. Larvik 5.1.1833 — Tønset 8.7.1907. Norwegian Linguist, mainly Scandinavian, but also IE, Anatolian and Etruscan Scholar. Professor in Christiania (Oslo). Son of Alexander B. (1790–1854), a merchant and former lieutenant, and Maren Kirstine Sartz (1799–1836). After school in Larvik he started 1848 studies of classical philology at…

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BARANNIKOV, Aleksej Petrovič

BARANNIKOV, Aleksej Petrovič. Zolotonoša, Poltavskaja obl. 25.2. (9.3.)1890 — Leningrad (St.Petersburg) 4.9.1952. Russian (Ukrainian) Indologist. Son of a worker, graduated 1914 from Kiev University (learned Sanskrit from Knauer). In 1916-17 taught at Pedagocical Academy, 1919-20 at Pedagocical In­stitute in Samara, 1920 at Saratov University. In 1921-36 Teacher at St.Peters­burg /…

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ASCOLI, Graziadio Isaia

ASCOLI, Graziadio Isaia. Gorizia 16.7.1829 — Milano 21.1.1907. Italian (Jewish) Linguist. Professor in Milano. Born in a rich Jewish merchant family in Gorizia (Görz, then of Austria) as the son of Leone Flaminio A. (died early) and Elena Norsa. Never went to school, but was tutored by the famous Hebrew…

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AICHELE, Walter Gustav Paul. Höhefeld, Wertheim 27.1.1889 — Hamburg 1.5.1971. German Indonesian and Gipsy Scholar. Ph.D. 1915 Heidelberg, later Indonesian studies under Otto Dempwolff at Hamburg. PD 1946 Hamburg, from 1949-54 apl. Professor and from 1969 ord. of Indonesian languages there. Publications: With M. Block: Zigeunermärchen. 19+344 p. Die Märchen…

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