HOWELL, William

HOWELL, William. Madras (?) 1.11.1790 (1789?) — Madras c. 1867. Rev. Missionary. Son of the elder W. H. (d. 1803), a soldier who had arrived in India in 1789, and his wife (died perhaps in 1793). Educated in Madras. When 14 apprenticed as Assistant Surveyor in Madras Survey under Major…

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HOLROYD, William Rice Morland. Wimbledon, London 28.10.1835 — Lyndhurst, Hampshire 3.9.1913. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Edward H. and Caroline Pugsley. From 1854 served in Bengal Army, long time in the Punjab in educational offices. Colonel from 1883. Dr. of Oriental Learning 1890 Lahore. Married 1866 Helen Maria…

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HOLLINGS, William Charles. Calcutta 1810 — near Cawnpore (Kanpur) 1857. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of a merchant, lost his father in 1815 and was sent to London for education (his mother Sophia followed 1817). Cadet of E.I.C. 1826 and left for Calcutta. Learned quickly Hindustani and soon became…

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HEDBERG, Samuel Enoch (Enok). Bellö near Jönköping 19.9.1871 — Lund 17.4.1945 (1947?). Rev. Swedish Missionary in India. Son of Samuel Fredrik Olofsson and Anna Lena Olofsson. Went to India in 1905. Served Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen, then Alliansmissionen. After return in 1909 minister in Sweden. Dr.Phil. of an American university. Married 1905…

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HARRIS, Henry. Mountrath, county Laois, Ireland 3.1.1758 — Madras 10.8.1822. British (Irish?) Physician in India. Son of John H. (1715–1776) and Sarah Deaves. M.D. Arrived in 1783 at Madras. Married 1786 in Madras Jane Charles, three sons and two daughters. His dictionary deals with the Dakhanī form of the language.…

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GREEN, Arthur Octavius

GREEN, Arthur Octavius. 1847 — Camberley, Surrey 1924. British Engineer Officer. Served in India. In 1882 participated as engineer in military expedition to Egypt, in 1884 to Sudan. Finally a Colonel. Publications: A Practical Hindustani Grammar. 1-2. Oxford 1895. – Books on Arabic. Sources: Briefly in D. Schmidt-Brücken, S. Schuster…

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FRANÇOIS-MARIE DE TOURS (Francesco Maria Da Tours, Franciscus M. Turonensis). 16?? — Patna ?.5.1709. Father. French Capuchin Missionary in India and Tibet. Came from Tours and joined the order in Italy. Worked first as Capuchin Missionary in Diarbekir, Turkey, came to India in 1680. Worked in Pondicherry and Surat, in 1701 left…

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GILBERTSON, George Waters. 1860 — 23.6.1941. British Colonial Officer in India. Apparently served in north-western border regions. Retired as Major and settled in Surrey. Married Ada Price, five children. Publications: Edited: The Assembly of Mirth. A Literal Translation into English of the Sabhá Bilása, one of the Degree of Honour Hindi…

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GĄSIOR, Pawel.

GĄSIOR, Pawel. 19?? — 199?. Polish Indologist (Hindī). At Poznań University. Died young. Publications: ???. Sources: Briefly mentioned by Jankowski 2003.

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FURRELL, James Wyburd. Grovesend, Kent 9.9.1836 — Steyning, Sussex 5.10.1905. British Civil Servant in India. Son of James F. and Ann Wyburd. Studies at Cambridge (Emmanuel College). Served in North India. No further details about him are found. Publications: The Tagore Family; A Memoir. 182 p. L. 1882, 2nd ed.…

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