HARLEZ, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de

HARLEZ DE DEULIN, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de. Huy/Liège 21.8.1832 — Louvain (Leuven) 14.7.1899. Belgian Oriental, especially Iranian scholar. Professor in Louvain. Son of Conrad-Lambert de H. (1784–1858) and Marie-Antoinette de Reul de Bonneville (1798–1855), of local nobility of Liège. Concluded law studies at Liège in 1858. Also attended a seminary and…

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GRJUNBERG-CVETINOVIČ, Aleksandr Leonovič. Leningrad 1.3.1930 — St.Petersburg 3.3.1995. Russian Iranian Scholar, specialist of Pamir languages. Son of Leon Grjunberg (d. 1938), a publisher, and Nina Alekseevna Cvetinovič-Grjunberg. Graduated 1952 from Leningrad Uni­ver­sity. Kand. filol. nauk 1963, Dr. 1974. From 1957 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. jazykozn. of Leningrad otdel’ of Academy…

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GHEYN, Joseph van den

GHEYN, Joseph-Marie-Martin van den. Ghent 25.5.1854 — Brussels 29.1. 1913. S.J. Belgian scholar of Religion, Ethnology, Sanskrit and Theology. Son of Edouard van den Gheyn, Professor of chemistry, joined Jesuit order in 1871. Studies at Louvain (Leuven) under de Harlez. Interested early in ethnography, primitive folklore and ancient languages, wrote…

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ANDREEV, Mihail Stepanovič.

ANDREEV, Mihail Stepanovič. Taškent 11(23).9.1873 — Stalinabad (Dušanbe) 10.11.1948. Russian Iranian Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated from the Turkmenian Teachers’ College in 1893. In 1905-14 interpreter and vice-consul for British and French Colonies in India and Indochina. In 1914-18 inspector of schools in Samarkand Oblast. In 1918-47 teacher and…

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