KUIPER, Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus. the Hague 7.7.1907 — Zeist 14.11.2003. Dutch Indologist, Munda and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Leiden. After school in the Hague studied classical philology, IE and Sanskrit at Leiden, also at Utrecht (Caland). Ph.D. 1934 Leiden. In 1934-39 taught classical languages at Lyceum der Carpentier Alting Sticht…

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JELLINGHAUS, Theodor. Šlissel’burg (Schlüsselburg) near St.Petersburg 21.6.1841 — Berlin 4.10.1913. German Missionary in India. Born in Russia, son of a Pietist Minister. Gymnasium in Gütersloh, matriculated 1861. After theology studies he was missionary of Gossner Mission in Chota Nagpur, India 1866-70. Then minister in Rädnitz and from 1881 in Gütergotz…

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EXEM, Albert van

EXEM, Albert van. Beveren 19.9.1918 — Ranchi 7.11.1994. S.J. Father. Belgian Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Joined S.J. in 1936, ordained priest 1949 in Kurseong. From 1946 worked 17 years among Muṇḍas. Fluent in Muṇḍari. Publications: Basic socio-economic attitudes of Chotanagpur Tribals. 55 p. Ranchi 1973. – “Haram and Singbonga.…

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WAGNER, Paul. 1868 — 1951 (?). Rev. German Missionary in India. Worked in Purulia,  Chota Nagpur. In 1915 WW I forced him back to Germany. Married 1897 Marie Hahn, the daughter of —> Ferdinand Hahn, children. Publications: “Some Kolarian Riddles current among the Mundaris in Chota Nagpur, Bengal”, JASB Extra Number 1904, 62-79.…

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SMET, Jean de

SMET, Jean de. 1862 — 1???. Rev. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary in India. In Ranchi, Chota-Nagpore. Publications: Rudiments of a Mundari Grammar. 81 p. Calcutta 1891. Sources: No further details found.

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SCHAENZLIN (Schänzlin), Gottlieb L.

SCHAENZLIN (Schänzlin), Gottlieb L. Pfullingen near Reutlingen 25.5.1877 — Springfield, Clark, Ohio 27.9.1963. Rev. German Methodist Missionary in India, then in the U.S.A. Son of Johann Jakob Schaenzlin. M.A. 1921 Johns Hopkins, in Indology. From 1907 worked in Bengal, from 1914 he was Principal of Collins Institute and Bible Training School…

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RAMSAY, E. Wardlaw

RAMSAY, E. Wardlaw. 18?? — 19??. Miss. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Worked many years among Korkus in Central India. E. Stock, History of the Church Missionary Society. Suppl. vol. L. 1916, 125 says that one Miss E. Wardlaw-Ramsay came to Palestine in 1889 and died in Jaffa in 1913, but…

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PRENDERGAST, M. H. 18?? — 1???. In 1880 he was Assistant Superintendent of Police in Yizigapatam of the Madras Province. Publications: “Short Vocabulary of the Savara Language”, JRAS N.S. 13, 1881, 425-428. Sources: With mere initials he is very difficult to trace, according to geni.com no close relative of Thomas Pr.

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NOTTROTT,  Carl Gustav Rudolf Eduard Alfred. Oppershausen, Thüringen 19.8.1837 — Steinhagen, Westfalen 20.1.1924. Rev. German Lutheran Missionary in India. Studies at Halle, then left to India. During a furlough Ph.D. 1887 Leipzig. Hon. D.D. 1907 Halle. WW I forced him back to Germany. Twice married, his first wife died 1876, the…

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NORTON, Albert Benjamin

NORTON, Albert Benjamin. Alabama, Genesee county, NY 21.3.1847 — Dhond, Punjab 31.12.1923. Rev. U.S. Methodist Missionary in India. Son of Moses Norton and Sally Ann Lynch, a farming family. Graduated from Northwestern University and the Garrett Biblical Institute. Arrived in India in 1872 as Methodist missionary and worked in Ellichpur…

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