MORRIS, John. 1895 — 13.12.1980. British Colonial Officer, Journalist and Social Anthropologist in India. Served in army in 1915-34, after WW I in India. As Gurkha officer learned Nepali. Retired as Major. From 1938 Professor of English Literature at Keio University and Lecturer at Imperial and Bunrika Universities in Tokyo.…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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AGANINA, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna

AGANINA, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna. Moscow 23.1.1926 — Moscow 25.12.2000. Russian Linguist (Uigur and Nepali). Daughter of an official. Studies in Moscow, graduated 1950. Kand. filol. n. 1954, in 1954-58 in the redaction of Sov. vostokovedenija. From 1958 working as naučnyj sotrudnik at the Oriental Institute of Academy of Science in Moscow. Dr. filol.…

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WRIGHT, Daniel

WRIGHT, Daniel. St Andrews and St Leonards, Fife 28.12.1833 — Aberdeen 15.1.1902. British (Scottish) Physician in India. Surgeon-Major of Medical Service. Son of Captain Alexander Wright (1793–1852, of Indian army) and Johanna Overbeek, brother of the Arabic scholar William Wright (1830–1889). Educated at St.Andrews. M.A. M.D. Joined Indian Medical Service…

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MURPHY, John D. Buffalo, NY 1921 — 24.7.1997. U.S. Linguist. Educated in Buffalo, studies at Harvard. In WW II translator of Japanese in Army Signal Corps in Arlington. In 1964-78 Research Professor at Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. As a linguist he is said to have been self-taught and mastered…

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MORLAND-HUGHES, Walter Robert James

MORLAND-HUGHES, Walter Robert James. Dover 7.5.1923 — Dehra Dun 7.11.1947. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Charles Morland Cunynghame Hughes (1870–1948), a banker, and Elsie Louise Ginn (1888–1977). Captain of Gurkha Rifles. Died of polio. Publications: Grammar of the Nepali Language. 87 p. L. 1947. Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

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MONEY, George Wigram Pocklington

MONEY, George Wigram Pocklington. Jhelum, Punjab 25.9.1888 — Los Angeles 16.10.1955. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Captain George Alfred Money (1853–1937) of Indian army and Constance Pocklington (1860–1897). Captain in Third Gurkha Rifles, served in WW I in Mesopotamia. Retired, migrated to California. Married 1930 in Dehra Dun…

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MOLONY, Arthur Deane

MOLONY, Arthur Deane. Kent 7.4.1879 — Kallincong (?), India 1.9.1931. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Rev. Charles Arthur M. (1826–1894) and Mary Parker. Educated in Canterbury. Major of Gurkha Rifles. In retirement concentrated on linguistic studies. Publications: Gurkhali Beginner. Calcutta 1923. Sources: Few lines in The Cantuarian 12, 1931, 408.

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DOPPING-HEPENSTAL, Maxwell Edward. Ireland or Canada (see under sources) 7.3.1872 — Duncan, British Columbia 2.8.1965. British (Irish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Colonel Ralph Anthony D.-H. and Annie Elizabeth Fox. Educated at King William’s College (Isle of Man) and Sandhurst. In 1892 to India, 1893 Lieutenant, finally 1922 Colonel of…

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AYTON, James Alexander

AYTON, James Alexander. Calcutta 1791? — near Budge Budge (now in Kolkata Metropolitan area) 10.8.1832, when 41. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of James Ayton and Margaret Burges, of Scottish origin. Lieutenant, Assistant Professor of Arabic and Persian at College of Fort William in Calcutta (1820), later Brevet Captain.…

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