SUNESON, Carl Ivar. Stockholm 18.10.1941 — Stockholm 2.1.1995. Swedish Indologist. Son of Ivar Suneson (1887–1952) and Vilma Ek (1911–2002). Grew up in Stockholm. From 1960 studies of Indology under Lienhard at Stockholm University, in 1965-66 under V. Raghavan in Madras. Cand.phil. 1964, Lic.phil. 1966 Stockholm. Became blind in the late…

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KOROLEV, Nikolaj Ivanovič

KOROLEV, Nikolaj Ivanovič. Samarkand 8.1.1928 — 18.2.1995. Russian Indologist (Nepali & Newari scholar). Son of a civil servant, in 1950-56 in Red Army. Graduated 1958 from Moscow University’s Institute of Oriental languages. Kand. filol. nauk 1965 (monograph instead of diss.). From 1958 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. vostokovedenija of Academy of…

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JØRGENSEN, Hans Jensen. Oksbøl Mark, Als Island (then Prussian Schleswig-Holstein, now Denmark) 4.3.1886 — Copenhagen 6.2.1954. Danish Indologist (Newari Scholar). Born as Prussian citizen in a Danish peasant family, parents Jens J. and Helene Christiansen, educated at Oksbøl school and Haderslev gymnasium. From 1906 studies of classical philology and comparative…

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BROUGH, John. Dundee 31.8.1917 — Bishop’s Stortford, near Cambridge 9.1. 1984. British (Scottish) Indologist. Professor in London and Cambridge. Son of Charles and Elizabeth Brough. After Dundee High School he studied classical philology at Edinburgh (M.A. 1939), also Sanskrit under A. B. Keith. During the war he continued his classical,…

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