PIKE, John Gregory

PIKE, John Gregory. Wisbeth, Cambridgeshire 1845 — 24.6.1905, when 60. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Rev. James Carey Pike and Lucy Wherry (1812–1850). Arrived in India in 1874 with his wife. Worked in Sambalpur, later in Cuttack. Married, children, one daughter married —> G. S. Wilkins. The elder Rev.…

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MIRONAS, Ričardas

MIRONAS, Ričardas Gabrielius. Zaysan, Kazakhstan 5.4.1908 — Vilnius 26.4.1979. Lithuanian Linguist and Classical Philologist interested in Sanskrit and Comparative IE. Professor in Vilnius. Son of Petras M. and Lioni Mironiené. Graduated 1933 from Kaunas University, then studied Indology at Sorbonne. From 1935 schoolteacher in Kaunas and Vilkaviškis. From 1944 Assistant…

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MALTBY, Thomas James

MALTBY, Thomas James. 18?? — 1???. British Civil Servant in India. Possibly son of elder Thomas James Maltby, who was British Vice-Consul in Brussels. Served as assistant collector of Ganjam district under Madras Presidency, later apparently superintendent. An Internet forum offers the following dramatic account signed by Roy Corduroy: “Civil…

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KARPUŠKIN, Boris Mihailovič

KARPUŠKIN, Boris Mihajlovič. Moscow 1.3.1925 — 25.9.1987. Russian Indologist, Specialist of Bengalī and Oṛiyā. Son of a worker. Graduated 1951 from Moscow Institut vostokovedenija. Kand. filol. nauk 1966. In 1961-74 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institut vostokovedenija of Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In 1974-89 (?) taught at Moscow International Insitute of…

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BEAMES, John William. Greenwich 21.6.1837 — Clevedon, Somerset 24.5.1902. British Civil servant and Indologist in India, a Pioneer of Comparative NIA Studies. Served in India in 1858-93. Son of the Rev. Thomas B., educated first at Merchant Taylor’s School, then 1856-57 at Haileybury. In 1858 to India, served from March…

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