TROYER von Aufkirchen, Anton Ferdinand (Anthony). Klattau, Bohemia (now Klatovy in Czech) 1775 (  26.2.1773, not 1769!) — Royaumont near Paris 2.6.1865. Austrian Officer and Indologist in India and Paris. Son of Lieutenant Joseph Troyer von A. and his wife Theresia, of an old family of nobility. From 1787 studied…

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TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič

TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič. Tiflis (Tbilisi) 1901 — 1937?. Russian Indo-Tibetologist. Son of a teacher and nobleman, grew up in Kiev. In 1920 joined the Red Army, in 1926 the Communist Party. From 1928 Ščerbatskoj’s student at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, graduated 1931. He worked at Oriental Institute and now also learned…

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TRITHEN, Franz Heinrich

TRITHEN, Franz Heinrich (in England called Francis Henry). St.Stephan, Simmental, canton Bern (Stache-Weiske: Brugg/Aargau) 1820 (bapt. 4.2.) — near Odessa 27.4.1854. Swiss Indologist. He grew up in Russia, studied in Germany and worked in England, but remained Swiss citizen all his life. While Windisch and Mehlitz call him Franz, Wackernagel has Friedrich.…

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TRENCKNER, Vilhelm (Carl Wilhelm). Copenhagen 26.2.1824 — Copenhagen (?) 9.1.1891. Danish Indologist. Son of G. Trenckner, a German-born baker, educated at German school in Copenhagen. From 1841 studied at Copenhagen Classics (Madvig), Semitic (Hermansen) and soon also Sanskrit and Old Iranian under Westergaard. A small capital gave him the occasion…

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TOUSSAINT, Gustave-Charles

TOUSSAINT, Gustave-Charles (Gustave Frédéric Charles). Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) 11.1.1869 — Paramé, Saint-Malo 12.10.1938. French Colonial Servant and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Benoît Toussaint, a railway inspector, and Hélène Feutrier. school and law studies in Rennes. In 1887-93 lawyer in Rennes. Then served in New Caledonia (1893-95) and Pondichéry (1895-97), then juge…

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TORRENS, Henry Whitelock

TORRENS, Henry Whitelock. Canterbury 20.5.1806 — Calcutta 11.8.1852. British Civil Servant and Indologist in India. Son of Major-General Henry Torrens (1779–1828, of Northern Ireland) and Sarah Patton (1781–1863). Educated at Brook Green, the Charterhouse, and Oxford (Christ Church; B.A. 1825). Entered the Inner Temple and served in Foreign Office, but…

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TORP, Alf. Stryn 27.9.1853 — Kristiania (Oslo) 26.9.1916. Norwegian Linguist and IE Scholar. Professor in Kristiania (Oslo). Son of a captain of infantry, Fredrik Torp (1816–1869), and Gjerthruf Ravn (1830–1876). Educated in Bergen (matriculation 1877), then studies at Kristiania (Bugge), M.A. 1877. From 1878 studied at Leipzig Sanskrit, Greek and…

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TOMSON, Aleksandr Ivanovič

TOMSON, Aleksandr Ivanovič (Thomson). Near Dorpat (Tartu), Livonia 3.(15.)6.1864 — Odessa 27.11.1935. Russian (Estonian) Linguist (Phonetician), Scholar of Slavic, Sanskrit and Armenian. Son of Estonian parents, Juhani and Emilia Thomson. From 1882 studies at St.Petersburg, graduated 1887. Further studies in Moscow, under Fortunatov and Korsch, wrote his diss. on Armenian (dr.…

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TOMAŠEVSKIJ, Vsevolod Bronislavovič. St.Petersburg 13.(25.)9.1891 — Leningrad 14.2.1927. Russian Linguist. Son of Bronislav V. Tomaševskij (1850–1908). From 1909 studies at St.Petersburg (under Baudouin de Courtenay and Scherzl). In 1914 joined the Bolshevist party. Participated in WW I in navy. From 1920 taught at Baku University, soon Professor of Comparative Linguistics…

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TOLMAN, Herbert C.

TOLMAN, Herbert Cushing. South Scituate (others Norwell, co. Plymouth), MA 4.11.1865 — Nashville, TN 24.11.1923. U.S. Philologist, specialized in Greek and Old Persian. Professor in Nashville. Son of James T., a tack manufacturer, and Mary T. Briggs. Graduated 1884 from Rockland High School. Studies at Yale (A.B. 1888). Ph.D. 1890…

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