TEZA, Emilio

TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Pro­fes­sor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught…

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TESSITORI, Luigi Pio. Udine 13.12.1887 — Bikaner 22.11.1919. Italian Indologist in India. Son of Guido T., a worker, and Luigia Rosa Venier Romano. Studied Indology at Florece under Pavolini, graduated 1910 with a diss. on the Rāmcarit Mānas. On recommendation of Grierson he was employed by British Indian government in…

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TEMPLE, Richard Carnac

TEMPLE, Richard Carnac. Allahabad 15.10.1850 — Territet, Montreaux, Switzerland 3.3.1931. Sir (2nd Bart.). British Colonial Officer in India and Burma, Indologist, Ethnologist and Historian. Son of Sir Richard T. (1826–1902), a well-known and original Civil Servant in India, and Charlotte Martindale (d. 1855). His grandfather was a cousin of ·>…

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TEIXEIRA, Pedro. 15?? — after 1610. Portuguese Traveller. Born in a Portuguese Jewish family, probably in Lisbon, but without Jewish education. Of his life, little is know beyond the meagre information in his book. Even his profession is unknown, Fleming thinks that perhaps he was physician. He spent a long…

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TEGNÉR, Esaias

TEGNÉR, Esaias Henrik Vilhelm. Källstorp, Malmöhus län 13.1.1843 — Lund 21.11.1928. Swedish Oriental Scholar and Linguist. Professor in Lund. Son of a minister, Kristoffer Tegnér, and Emma Sofia Kinberg, grandson of the poet Esaias Tegnér (1782–1843). Matriculated from Lund in 1859 and began studies at local university. M.A. 1865 Lund.…

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TEDESCO, Paul Maximilian. Vienna 5.5.1898 — New Haven 17.12.1980. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven. Son of Oscar Isidor Tedesco, a Slovakian Jew and civil engineer, and Thekla Tiktin (1868–1942). From 1916 studies at Vienna. Ph.D. 1920 Vienna (under B. Geiger). In 1924-36 gymnasium teacher in…

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TAYLOR, William

TAYLOR, William. Madras 1800? — Madras 1878/79. Rev. British Missionary and Indologist in India. He went to India in the service of E.I.C., but soon resigned, studied theology and returned to India in the service of London Missionary Society in 1824. Ordained priest 1839. In 1837-45 in Vepery, then left…

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TAYLOR, Meadows

TAYLOR, Philip Meadows. Liverpool 25.9.1808 — Menton, Southern France 13.5.1876. British Administrator and Author in India. Son of a merchant, the elder Ph. M. Taylor, and Jane Mitford. The business was not successful, the family moved often and he went to school in Dublin. He came to India in the…

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TAYLOR, John. Edinburgh 17?? — Shiraz 6.12.1821. British (Scottish) Physician and Indologist in India. M.D. 1804 Edinburgh. Worked in 1805-07 for London Missionary Society in Madras, then as government Assistant Surgeon and from 1821 Surgeon in Bombay. Member of Asiatic Society and Literary Society of Bombay. Died in Iran, traveling…

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TAYLOR, George P.

TAYLOR, George Pritchard. Cambay, Gujarat 1854 — Ahmedabad 21.2.1920. Rev. British Presbyterian Missionary in India. Son of  Rev.Joseph van Someran Taylor (1820–1881), missionary in India, translator of the Bible in Gujarātī and author of a grammar (below). Also the grandfather, Rev. Joseph Taylor (d. 1859) had been missionary (in Bellary…

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