KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič

KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič. Manguša (village) Mariupol’skogo uezda Ekaterinoslavskoj gub. (Peršotravnevoe village Donskoj obl., now Manguš in Ukraine) 21.7.(3.8.)1908 — St.Petersburg 17.3.2001. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of a worker. Graduated 1932 from Leningrad Institut istorii, filologii i lingvistiki, student of Ščerbackoj and Barannikov. Kand. filol. nauk 1941. In 1935-37 naučnyj sotrudnik…

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JUNGMANN, Josef  Jakub. Hudlice, Beroun district, Bohemia 16.7.1773 — Prague 14.11.1847. Czech Linguist and Poet, one of the Leaders of Czech National Revival. Son of a German father, Thomas Simon J., and Czech mother, Kateřina Jungmannová, brother of —> A. J. Jungmann. After school in Prague studied from 1795 literature…

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JUNGBLUT, Leonhard J.

JUNGBLUT, Leonhard J. 1906 — Bombay 1979. Rev. Father, S.V.D. Dutch Catholic Missionary in India. As a young man in the 1930s member of Indore mission, worked on Bhils. Anthropological fieldwork in 1938-39. In 1962-71 Principal of St. Theresa’s High School in Bombay. Publications: A Short Bhili Grammar of Jhabua State…

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JELLINGHAUS, Theodor. Šlissel’burg (Schlüsselburg) near St.Petersburg 21.6.1841 — Berlin 4.10.1913. German Missionary in India. Born in Russia, son of a Pietist Minister. Gymnasium in Gütersloh, matriculated 1861. After theology studies he was missionary of Gossner Mission in Chota Nagpur, India 1866-70. Then minister in Rädnitz and from 1881 in Gütergotz…

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JAMES, Walter Knight

JAMES, Walter Knight. Radford, Nottinghamshire ?.10.1853 — 1???. British Teacher in Sri Lanka. Son of Walter Redhead James and Clara Ann Fisher. In Sri Lanka. Principal of the Normal College, Colombo (1881). Married 1881 Julia Ann Robottom (d. 1889), two sons and one daughter. Publications: A First Book of Botany for…

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IGGLEDEN, Robert E. W. 11.6.1913 — 21.3.1981. British Bauddha. After WW II pupil of Sayadaw U Thittila until 1952 (when Sayadaw returned to Burma). Specialist of Abhidhamma and Secretary of the P.T.S. until 1976. Married Claudine, who wrote a life of Thittila in 1996. Publications: Assisted Sayadaw in his English translation of the…

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HUTCHINSON, J. Robert. 18?? — 1???. Rev. Canadian Baptist Missionary in India. Perhaps from Nova Scotia. From 1881 worked in Chicacole (Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh). In 1887 returned to Canada, but came back and was there in 1890. Active 1898. Married Publications: “Revised List of Antiquities in the Chicacole Taluq”, MJLS30, 1887-88, 152-159 (Srikakulam…

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HUMMEL, Siegbert

HUMMEL, Siegbert. Rodewisch, Vogtland 18.7.1908 — Lengenfeld (or Röthenbach?), Vogtland 28.3.2001. German (East) Priest, Art Historian and Tibetan Scholar. He had first mercantile training in order to take over the curtain trade of his father, but the depression impended this and he turned to theology. Matriculated in 1932 from König Albert-Gymnasium…

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HUGHES, George A.

HUGHES, George Arthur. 17?? — 26.2.1835 (when about 65). Britishman in India. Son of Robert Hughes of Madras Civil Service, educated in Cambridge by his uncle, Dr. Hughes, the Pricipal of Jesus College. Returned to India he served first as clerk to the resident of Travancore, then under S. R.…

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HOWLEY, Thomas

HOWLEY, Thomas. 1831 — 1906. British Teacher in India. Son of elder Thomas H., of Bangalore. Educated at Bishop Cowie’s Grammar School in Madras. Head-Master of Anglo-Vernaculat School in Ellore, Madras Presidency. From 1861 (unpaid) Professor of Tamil, Telugu and  Hindustani at King’s College, London. Hon. M.A. 1881 Oxford, Balliol…

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