PEET, Joseph

PEET, Joseph. Spitalfields, London 1.2.1801 — Mavelikara 11.8.1865. Rev. British Missionary in Kerala. Son of Benjamin Peet, a silk dyer, and Elizabeth Lafond. Apparently worked himself as dyer. From 1829 studies at Church Missionary College in Islington (London), ordained deacon 1831 and priest 1832 in London. Joined the Church Missionary…

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PEDERSEN, Holger. Gjelballe near Lunderskov, Kolding prov. 7.4.1867 — Hellerup near Copenhagen 25.10.1953. Danish Linguist. Professor in Copenhagen. Born in a teacher family in Jutland, son of school-teacher Christen Pedersen (1822–1877) and Dorthe Lauridsen (1826–1920). After school in Ribe he studied from 1885at Copenhagen classical philology, Danish and linguistics under…

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PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio

PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio. Leghorn 10.7.1864 — Quattordio 15.9.1942. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence. Son of Giovanni P., a teacher, and Lidia (or Lida) Vanneschi. Studied in 1883-86 at Pisa (under Teza), graduated 1886 with diss. on Homeric names and epithets. In 1889-91 further studies at Berlin (Weber & Pischel) From…

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PAVIE, Théodore

PAVIE, Théodore Marie. Angers (Maine-et-Oise) 16.8.1811 — 1.5.1896 (or 29.4.). French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of Louis Joseph Pavie (1782–1859), a printer, and Eulalie Fabre (died early), brother of the poet and art historian Victor Pavie (1808–1886). Educated at Collège Royal d’Angers. Travelled much in his early years, in…

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PAUTHIER, Guillaume

PAUTHIER, Jean-Pierre-Guillaume. Mamirolle (Doubs) 4.10.1801 — Passy (Paris) 11.3.1873. French Sinologist and Indologist. Began his career as an infantry officer, in army he met Alfred de Vigny and started himself writing romantic poetry. After two and a half years left army in 1826 and pursuing studies of Sinology (Abel-Rémusat) and…

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PAULINUS A SANCTO BARTHOLOMAEO (Fra. Paolino da S. Bartolomeo, lay Ivan/Johann Filip Vezdin [or Vesdin, not Verdin or Werdin]). Hof am Leithaberge (Cimov) 25.4.1748 — Rome 7.2.1806. Austrian (Croatian) Missionary and Pioneer of Indology. Carmelite missionary in Kerala 1776-89, then in Rome. Born in Niederösterreich as son of Jurje Vezdin and…

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PAUL, Otto

PAUL, Otto. Berlin 4.5.1888 — Hungen, Kr. Giessen 6.10.1944. German Germanist and Iranian Scholar. A Nazi. Started studies late (1915) at Berlin concentrating on German and Linguistics, from 1924 at Munich (Ph.D. 1927), now also Aryan Philology, under Geiger, then also Wüst. Habilitation 1938 Munich. After a break with Himmler…

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PASPATIS, Alexandros G.

PASPATIS, Alexandros Georgios (Aλέξανδρōς Γ. Πασπάτης). Chios ?.5.1814 — Athens 24.12.1891. Greek Scholar interested in Gipsies. Lost his father, Georgios P., at Chios massacre (1822), was brought to the U.S.A. by a businessman when 8. Educated at “Collège d’Amhust” (i.e. Amherst), then studies of medicine at Padova, Paris and London.…

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PARKER, Henry John. 1849 — 19??. British Engineer and Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Arrived in 1873 and in 1873-1904 worked as Irrigation Officer at Public Works Department, serving in different parts of the island. Interest in ancient reservoirs led him to archaeology. At the same time he achieved an…

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PARISOT, Valentin

PARISOT, C.-C.-Valentin. Vendôme (Loir-et-Cher) 16.8.1800 — Paris 8.10.1861. French Literate interested in India. Professor at Faculté de Lettres in Rennes, Grenoble and Douai. Son of a musician. Studies at Pensionnat normal (future École normale supérieur). Schoolteacher in several towns, for a while theatre director, then Professor of Foreign Literature at…

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