LILLEY, Mary E. 18?? — 14.3.1940. Miss. British Pāli and Buddhist Scholar. Active as early as 1911, in 1917 Mrs. Rhys Davids thanked her for assistance in the Saṁyuttanikāya. Said to have been “of reticent nature”. In the Preface she thanks Barnett, Stede and E. Thomas for help. One Mary…

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LIGNANA, Giacomo

LIGNANA, Giacomo. Tronzano Vercellese, Piemonte 19.12.1827 (hardly 1830) — Rome 10.2.1891 (or 10.1. or 10.12.). Italian Linguist and Indologist. Professor in Naples and Rome. Born in Piemonte, son of Giuseppe L. and Margherita Lebbole. Studies at Turin, then 1848-49 under Lassen at Bonn and Spiegel at Erlangen. For  while taught…

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LIGETI, Lajos (Louis)

LIGETI, Lajos (Louis). Balassagyarmat/Nógrád 28.10.1902 — Budapest 24.5.1987. Hungarian Mongolian and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Son of János L. and Ilona Cseh. Educated in Gyarmat and Budapest. Studies of classical philology and of Turkish (Németh) at Budapest. Ph.D. 1924 Budapest. After further studies in Paris, of Sinology (Maspéro),…

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LIÉTARD, Gustave

LIÉTARD, Gustave Alexandre. Domrémy-la-Pucelle (Vosges, Lorraine) 4.4. 1833 — Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges) 8.2.1904. French Physician and Indologist. Son of a viticulturist, he was educated at College of Toul and studied at Faculté de médecine in Strasbourg. 1858 Strasbourg. At Faculté de lettres he also learned the elements of Sanskrit under…

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LIEBICH, Bruno Arthur Franz Karl. Altwasser, Kr. Waldenburg, Silesia (now Stary Zdrój in Poland)7.1.1862 — Breslau 4.7.1939. German Indologist. Professor in Heidelberg and Breslau. Son of a mill owner. In 1880-85 studies at Breslau, Munich and Göttingen. Ph.D. 1885 Göttingen. In 1886-88 worked as voluntary (Volontär) in Breslau University Library.…

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LIEBERT, Karl Gösta. Torsby, Göteborgs & Bohus län 11.3.1916 — Sävsjö, Jönköpings län 17.11.1998. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Son of Karl Julius L. and Hilda Amalia Karlsson (1879–1917), both elementary school teachers. Matriculation 1935 from Gothenburg. Studies at Göteborg Högskola (kand.hum. 1935) and Lund (kand.phil. 1939, lic.phil. 1943). Ph.D. 1949…

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LIEBENTHAL, Walter. Königsberg 12.6.1886 — Tübingen 15.11.1982. German Indologist, Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Peking and Santiniketan. Son of Robert L. (1854–1942), an attorney, and Grete Becken. In 1899 the family moved to Berlin, then gymnasium there. After a brief period of university studies of law he started in…

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LIDÉN, Evald

LIDÉN, Bror Per Evald. Skandared, Sandhult, Älvsborg län 3.10.1862 — Gothenburg 11.10.1939. Swedish Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor in Gothenburg. Son of farmer Gustaf Lidén (1824–1884) and Sissa Nilsson, educated in Borås and Jönköping. Studies at Uppsala from 1883: fil.kand. (M.A.) 1890, fil.lic. 1895. From 1895 PD of IE linguistics…

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LICHTERBECK, Karl. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indo-Iranian. From Roxel (Westfalen). Ph.D. 1893 Münster. Then apparently a teacher. His diss. deals with the oldest part of the Avesta. Publications: diss. Die Nominalflexion im Gathadialekt. 48 p. Gütersloh 1893, then in KZ 33, 1895, 169-213. Sources: Janert. Not in the…

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LIBÁŃSKÝ, Jaroslav

LIBÁŃSKÝ, Jaroslav. 1??? — 1???. Czech Translator. Publications: Translated: Nal a Damajanti. Báje Indická. 18+106 p. Olomouc 1875. Sources: Neither in Biogr. Lex. z. Gesch. der böhm. Länder nor Ö.B.L.; Google knows only the book, except one brief mention in Czech about a J.L. living in 1902.

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