KUHN, Ernst

KUHN, Ernst Wilhelm Adalbert. Berlin 7.2.1846 — Munich 20/21.8.1920. German Indologist. Professor in Munich. Son of —> Adalbert Kuhn (1812–1881) and Albertine Schwartz, grew up in Berlin. From 1863 studies at Berlin, Tübingen and Halle. Ph.D. 1869 Halle. From 1871 PD at Halle, 1872-75 at Leipzig. In 1875-77 Professor ord.…

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KUHN, Adalbert

KUHN, Franz Felix Adalbert. Königsberg/Neumark (now Chojna, Poland) 19.11.1812  (St.-W. 19.9.) — Berlin-Neukölln 5.5.1881. German Indologist. Schoolteacher and Director in Berlin. Son of a schoolteacher, Bernhard Friedrich Wilhelm Kuhn (1779–1813), and Johanne Kienast. Lost early his father and his mother brought the family to Berlin. In 1827-33 at Joachimsthaler Gymnasium…

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KÜMMEL, Auguste

KÜMMEL, Auguste Viktoria (née Bender). Erlangen 1906 — 1998. German Student of Indology. Daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Bender and Friedericke Therese Schmidt. Ph.D. 1940 Greifswald. Married 1935 theologian Werner Georg Kümmel (1905–1995), three daughters and two sons. Publications: Diss. Maheśvara’s Śabdabhedaprakāśa mit dem Kommentar des Jñāna­vimala­gaṇi. 23+397 p. Sammlung Orientalistischer…

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KÜHNAU, Richard

KÜHNAU, Richard. Branitz near Cottbus 10.2.1858 — Cottbus 18.5.1930. German Indologist and Folklorist. Teacher in Breslau. Son of a gardener, educated at Damsdorf (Silesia), then Gymnasium in Breslau. In 1878-85 studies of classical philology, linguistics and Indology (Stenzler & Hillebrandt) at Breslau. Ph.D. 1885 Breslau. Later taught at a Gymnasium…

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KUDRJAVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič

KUDRJAVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič. St.Petersburg 25.10.(6.11.)1867 — Voronež 9.11.1920. Russian Indologist. Professor in Jur’ev (Tartu). Educated in St.Petersburg (6th Gymnasium). From 1885 studies of Slavic, IE and Indology at St.Petersburg (i.al. under Minaev). Magister 1891. From 1892 taught classical languages at 10th Gymnasium in St.Petersburg. In 1894-95 further studies at Jena…

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KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič

KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič. Orenburg 31.12.1910 (11.1.1911) — 4.3.1992. Russian Ethnographist of South Asia. Son of official. In 1929-32 studied at Leningrad Topographical Technical School and worked then as topographer in Yakutia. Soon became interested in ethnography and graduated 1939 from Leningrad University (Historical Faculty). Participated in the WW II in…

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KRUŠEVSKIJ, Nikolaj Vjačeslavovič

KRUŠEVSKIJ, Nikolaj Vjačeslavovič (Polish Mikołaj Habdank Kruszewski). Luc’k, Western Ukraina 6.12.1851 — Kazan 31.10.1887. Polish Indologist and IE Linguist in Russia, best known as a Phonetician. Son of a Polish landowner. After studies in Warsaw, worked in 1875-78 as schoolteacher in Troick (Ural), then further studies at Kazan under Baudoin de…

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KROM, Nicolaas Johannes

KROM, Nicolaas Johannes. ’s-Hertogenbosch 5.9.1883 — Leiden 8.3.1945. Dutch Archaeologist and South-East Asian Scholar. Son of the Rijksarchivaris Cornelius Catharinus Nicolaas Krom (1855–1885) and Jeanne Marie Uranie Herderscheê. After school in Nijmegen, from 1901 studies of law, from 1902 of classical philology, Sanskrit (Kern and Speyer), Javanese and comparative linguistics…

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KRISTIANSEN, Knut. 16.5.1928 — Oslo Early July 1999 (when 71). Norwegian Indo-Iranian Linguist. Grew up in Raufoss. Student of Morgenstierne at Oslo. From 1971 until his retirement in 1998 taught Hindi, Urdu and other South Asian languages as Universitetslektor at University of Oslo. Several visits to South Asia, beginning in…

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KRICK, Hertha

KRICK, Hertha. Vienna 25.2.1945 — Vienna 5.1.1979. Austrian Indologist. In Vienna. Born little before the end of war, attended elementary school in 1951-55 and girls’ Gymnasium 1955-59, on her own account moved to Humanist Gymnasium and matriculated in 1963. Interested in Latin and classical mythology she started studies of classical…

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