ROBERTS, Roger Elliot. 1753? — London 9.8.1831. British Colonial Officer in India. As Major in 1777 visited Burma, in the mid-1780s called Persian interpreter. In 1798 Lieutenant-Colonel, 180? Colonel. Member of Asiatic Society (1802/10) and Royal Society (1801-31). Also knew Hindustani. According to one Colonel R.E.R. (the same?) married Mary…

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RICHARDSON, David Thomas. Langholm, Dumfriesshire 176? — on sea ?.11.1808. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Gilbert Richardson (1722–1783) and Susanna Scott (d. 1775). Like several of his brothers he went to India as cadet in 1779. Learned soon Persian and Hindustani. In 1799 came to England accompanied by…

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RICCAZ, Alexis

RICCAZ, Alexis. Saint-Jean-d’Arves (Savoie) 26.1.1834 — Jabalpur 8.9.1892. Monseigneur. French Catholic Missionary in India. Ordained in 1861 as priest of Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales d’Annecy and arrived in India next year. Worked first in Visakhapatnam, where he quickly learned Telugu and Oṛiyā. From 1887 the first Bishop of…

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RIBBACH, Samuel H.

RIBBACH, Samuel Heinrich. Hebron, Labrador 10.2.1863 — 31.5.1943. German Missionary. In 1892-1913 served Moravian Mission in Lahul and later in Leh, Ladakh, to 1927. Back in Germany worked worked in Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg. Publications: An den Grenzen Tibets Bilder aus der Himalaya-Mission der Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut 1900, 2nd ed. 64 p.…

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RHEEDE TOT DRAKENSTEIN, Hendrik Adrian van. Utrecht 13.4.1636 — on sea off Bombay 15.12.1691. Dutch Colonial Administrator and Botanist. Son of Ernst van Rheede (1588–1640) and Elisabeth van Utenhove (d. 1637), a noble family, lost early his both parents. In 1656 joined Dutch E.I.C. as a soldier and went to India. In 1669-76…

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REYNOLDS, M. C. 1??? — 1???. Mrs. “An old resident”. We may perhaps conclude that she was married with an officer or civil servant and therefore probably a Britishwoman. Publications: Household Hindustani. A Manual for New-comers, Specially Adapted for Ladies’ use. Calcutta 1886 and several editions. Sources: She seems to be impossible to…

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RANKING, George S. A.

RANKING, George Speirs Alexander. Hastings, Sussex 1.1.1852 — Caversham, Berkshire 14.6.1934. British Physician and Oriental Scholar in India. Son of Robert Ranking (1785–1867) and Isabella Spiers (1810–1883). Educated at St.Catharine’s College in Cambridge, studied medicine in London. In 1875-1905 in Indian Medical Service, finally as Lieutenant-Colonel. M.A. Then 1905-20 University Lecturer in…

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RAMSAY, Horatio Nelson

RAMSAY, Horatio Nelson. London 13.12.1805 — Malligaum, New South Wales 20.5.1847. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Thomas Ramsay and Jane Sills. Served in Bombay Native Infantry, later went to Australia. Captain (from 1823 until death). Married 1827 Catherine Turner (1810–1876), four daughters and four sons. Publications: The Principles of…

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RAMSAY, E. Wardlaw

RAMSAY, E. Wardlaw. 18?? — 19??. Miss. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Worked many years among Korkus in Central India. E. Stock, History of the Church Missionary Society. Suppl. vol. L. 1916, 125 says that one Miss E. Wardlaw-Ramsay came to Palestine in 1889 and died in Jaffa in 1913, but…

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PUXLEY, Edward Lavallin

PUXLEY, Edward Lavallin. Bristol 1835 — Croydon, London 30.6.1909. Rev. British (Irish?) Missionary in India. Son of John Lavallin Puxley (1800–1837) and Fanny White (1805–1857). Worked among Santals for Church Mission Society, said to have been the first missionary actually living among them. Retired c. 1867, returned to the U.K. and…

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