WOLFF, Philipp

WOLFF, Philipp. Ulm 22.12.1810 — Tübingen 1.1.1894. German Priest and Oriental Scholar. Studies of theology at Tübingen, but soon moved to Halle and concentrated on Oriental languages. Ph.D. 1834 Halle (under Rödiger). Then further studies in Paris (Silvestre de Sacy). PD 1835 Tübingen, where in 1836-38 he also taught Sanskrit…

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WOLFF, Erich

WOLFF, Erich. Hamburg 5.4.1902 (or 4.5.) — ????. German Student of Indology (Buddhism). Son of Emil Wolff, Oberlehrer in a gymnasium, educated in Hamburg. From 1921 studies at Hamburg, 1924 moved to Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1930 Heidelberg (under Walleser). myheritage.com mentions Erich Adolf Hermann Wolff (1902–1959) who died in Missouri, but…

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WHISH, Charles M.

WHISH, Charles Matthew. London 9.1.1795 — Cuddapah (Kadapa) 14.4.1833. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Martin Whish (1743–1826), a Commissioner of Excise, and Harriet Tysson (1765–1841). After studies at Haileybury served in Madras Presidency from 1812, in Zillah Court of South Malabar. Then criminal judge in Cuddapah. He was…

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WESTPHAL, Rudolf  Georg Hermann. Obernkirchen in Schaumburg 3.7.1826 — Stadthagen, Schaumburg 10.7.1892. German Philologist and Musicologist. Son of a mining engineer. Gymnasium in Bückeburg and Rinteln. From 1845 studied theology and classical philology at Marburg, also learned Arabic and Sanskrit (Gildemeister). In 1852 both Ph.D. and PD at Tübingen (für…

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WATERFIELD, William Garrow. London 14.8.1832 — Teignbridge, Devon 24.1.1907. British Civil Servant and Poet in India. Son of Thomas Nelson W. and Elizabeth Bentall. Educated at Haileybury. Arrived in India in 1852, 1857 he was in Revenue Survey in Berhampore. In 1859-64 in financial department. After a furlough in England civil…

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VELZE, Jacob Antoon van

VELZE, Jacob Antoon van. Hilversum 1902/03— 1984. Dutch Student of Indology. Son of Jacob van Velze and Adriana Tober. Studied Classics at Utrecht, also Sanskrit under Caland. In 1930 teacher. Ph.D. 1938 Utrecht (under Gonda). Married 1930 Maria Hoetmer. Publications: Diss. Names of Persons in Early Sanskrit Literature. 162 p. Utrecht 1938.…

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THEILKUHL, Wolfgang  Adolf. Hilchenbach, Westfalen 18?? — 19??. German Student of Indology. Studies at Munich as early as 1918 (but for 1919-20 he is mentioned as student at Hamburg). Ph.D. 1926 (1929) Munich. Publications: Diss. Die Yogasūtrāṇi des Patañjali mit dem Kommentar Rājamārtaṇḍa des Bhojadeva, deutsche Übersetzung von Buch 1 und 2 (mit…

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SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Volodimir Petrovič Šajan)

SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Wołodymyr Petrovycz, Ukr. Volodimir Petrovič Šajan). Lemberg (then Austrian, now L’viv) 2.8.1906 — London 15.7.1974. Ukrainian Nationalist and Religious Enthusiast interested in Sanskrit. With his hometown became Polish citizen after WW I. Studied at Lwów (L’viv) philosophy, literature and Sanskrit (Stasiak). From 1934 on he propagated a “pan-Aryan” Slavic…

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SWANSON, Donald C.

SWANSON, Donald Carl Eugene. St.Paul, Minnesota 18.11.1914 — 12.4.1976. U.S. Linguist. Studies at University of Minnesota (B.A. 1936, M.A. 1939, in Classics). M.A. and Ph.D. 1941 Princeton University. After one year as Instructor of Classics at University of Colorado worked for U.S. Navy and U.S. Armed Forces Language Unit, 1943-45…

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SPRUNG, Mervyn

SPRUNG,  George Mervyn Carter. Winnipeg 1913 — Peterborough, Ontario 5.1.2000. Canadian Buddhist Scholar. Son of Benjamin Franklin Sprung and Elizabeth Carter. Studies at Manitoba (B.A.), Toronto (M.A.) and Berlin (Ph.D. 1939). Back in Canada volunteered in army and, speaking fluent German, was taken to intelligence. Colonel. After war worked as army historian,…

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