MALAN, Solomon Caesar

MALAN, Caesar Jean Salmon (then Solomon Caesar). Geneva 12.4.1812 (or 23.4.) — Bournemouth 25.11.1894. Rev. Swiss Priest, Polyglot and Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Son of Dr. César Henri Abraham Malan, a theologian, of an exiled French Huguenot family, and Salomé Georgette Jeanne Schönberger. Educated at Vandœuvres, took early to…

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LINOSSIER, Raymonde. Lyon 25.3.1897 — 31.1./1.2.1930. French Art Historian and Indologist. Lawyer at Paris Cour d’appel. Daughter of Georges L. (1857–1923), Professor of Medicine. In WW I served as nurse, after war began law studies, graduated 1926. Also studied Indology under Lévi. Worked from 1925 as unsalaried attachée in Musée…

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LIGETI, Lajos (Louis)

LIGETI, Lajos (Louis). Balassagyarmat/Nógrád 28.10.1902 — Budapest 24.5.1987. Hungarian Mongolian and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Son of János L. and Ilona Cseh. Educated in Gyarmat and Budapest. Studies of classical philology and of Turkish (Németh) at Budapest. Ph.D. 1924 Budapest. After further studies in Paris, of Sinology (Maspéro),…

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LESSING, Ferdinand D.

LESSING, Ferdinand Dietrich. Essen-Altenessen 26.2.1882 — Berkeley 31.12.1961. German Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar in the U.S.A. U.S. citizen 1946. Professor in Berkeley. Gymnasium in Lingen, matriculated in 1902. Studies of Chinese and Russian in Berlin (diplom 1905), guided by F. W. K. Müller. From 1907 on spent 17 years…

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LENZ, Robert

LENZ, Robert (Robert Hristianovič Lenc). Dorpat (Tartu) 23.1./4.2.1808 — St. Petersburg 30.7./11.8.1836. Russian (German from Estonia) Indologist. Son of Christian Lenz (1770–1817), the secretary of municipal council of Dorpat, and Luise Elisabeth Wolff (d. 1830), brother of the physicist Academician Heinrich Emil Lenz (1804–1865). After Gymnasium in Dorpat in 1820-24…

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LA VALLÉE POUSSIN, Louis Étienne Marie de. Liège 1.1.1869 — Brussels 18.2.1938. Belgian Indologist, a specialist of Buddhism and History. Professor in Ghent. Son of a French father, Gustave de La V.P. (1829–1910), and Belgian mother, Marie Pauline de Monge (1845–1876), both of families with great scholarly interests. Educated in…

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LAUFER, Berthold

LAUFER, Berthold. Köln 11.10.1874 — Chicago 13.9.1934. German Sinologist and Anthropologist in the U.S.A. Son of Max L. (of Jewish background) and Eugenie Schlesinger, his younger brother was —> Heinrich L. After gymnasium in Cologne studied at Berlin, first law, but soon ethnology and Oriental languages, then at Leipzig under…

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LALOU, Marcelle

LALOU, Marcelle. Meudon-Bellevue near Paris 23.8.1890 — Paris 15.12.1967. French Tibetan Scholar. Daughter of Georges Lalou, an advocate. Conforming to the demands then put to a girl she studied history and art history at Sorbonne only privately without graduation. During the war in 1914-18 worked as a nurse. After the…

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KUZNECOV, Bronislav Ivanovič

KUZNECOV, Bronislav Ivanovič. Leningrad 2.11.1931 (or 2.12.?) — Leningrad 24.7.1985. Russian Tibetan Scholar. Son of a worker. Studies under Vorob’ev-Desjatoskij and Pankratov at Leningrad Oriental Faculty, graduated 1956. Field experience from Buryatia. Kand. filol. nauk 1962. From 1959 taught at Leningrad Oriental Faculty. Interested in Iranian elements in Tibetan Buddhism.…

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KUNST, Arnold

KUNST, Arnold. 23.7.1903 — London ?.12.1981. Polish Indologist in the U.K. After gymnasium in Lwów (L’viv) studies at local university (M.A. 1929 under Stasiak), then at Vienna (Frauwallner) and Warsaw (Schayer). Ph.D. 1934 Warsaw in Indian philosophy. In 1929-32 Assistant Lecturer at Lwów (L’viv). Little before war (1939) moved to…

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