PETER, His Royal Highness, Prince of Greece and Denmark

PETER, His Royal Highness, Prince of Greece and Denmark. Paris 3.12.1908 — London 15.10.1980. Greek Anthropologist. Son of Georg, Admiral of Greece and Denmark (1869–1957) and younger brother of King Constantin I of Greece, and Marie Bonaparte (1882–1962). Himself Royal Admiral of Greece. Grew up in France (he never lived…

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PARFIONOVIČ, Iosif Nikolaevič

PARFIONOVIČ, Jurij Mihajlovič. Moscow 21.9.1921 — 18.9.1990. Russian Tibetan Scholar. Son of an official. In 1941-45 in the army. After war Sinological studies in Moscow, in 1950-53 studied in China. Graduated 1953 from Moscow. From 1953 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute in Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1971. Publications: At least…

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PANKRATOV, Boris Ivanovič

PANKRATOV, Boris Ivanovič. Kostroma 29.2.(12.3.)1892 — Leningrad 29.8.1979. Russian Sinologist, Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Son of a farmer, graduated in 1916 from the Sino-Mongolian Department of Vladivostok Oriental Institute and started teaching Manchu and Mongolian there. In 1918 he was sent to China and remained there until 1935, living in…

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VOSTRIKOV, Andrej Ivanovič

VOSTRIKOV, Andrej Ivanovič. Agarevka (Ogarevka) village in Atkarskij uezd, Saratov gub. 10.(23.)10.1902 — 26.9.1937 (Milib. 26.10., some say, probably mistakenly, in 1939 or 1942). Russian Indologist, Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Son of a priest. He graduated 1924 from Petrograd University. Student of Ščerbatskoj and Vladimircov. Dr. literaturovedenija 1935. In 1924-37…

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VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič

VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič. Tver 3.10.1927 — Leningrad 2.7.1956. Russian Indologist. Son of an official. After the 9th school class joined the army and served in 1944-45 in Romania, Hungary and Czecho­slovakia. Disbanded in 1945 he concluded his school education and studied at the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad University Indology (specially…

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VASIL’EV, Vasilij Pavlovič (Wassilieff)

VASIL’EV, Vasilij Pavlovič (Wassilieff). Nižni-Novgorod 20.2.(4.3.)1818 — St.Petersburg 27.4.1900. Russian Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Son of a minor civil servant. After school in Nižnij-Novgorod he studied from 1834 Tatar and Mongolian at Kazan University (under Èrdman, Kowalewski, et al.), Kand. 1837. Now studied Chinese under Archimandrite Daniil. Learned…

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URAY, Géza

URAY, Géza. Budapest 16.8.1921 — Vienna 17.7.1991. Hungarian Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Reluctantly following his father’s wish he enrolled the Military Academy in 1939, but in 1940 moved to university. First studied law, from 1942 Tibetan under Ligeti. In 1944 forced to take military service. In 1947 continued his…

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UNKRIG, Wilhelm Alexander

UNKRIG, Wilhelm Alexander. Köslin, Pomerania (now Koszalin in Poland) 1883 — Traisa near Darmstadt 24.6.1956. German Mongolian and Lamaist Scholar. Son of a crofter. From 1908 he was trained for missionary work among the Mongols at Religious Academy in Kazan and in 1912 became Russian Orthodox priest. The World War…

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ZIMMERMANN, Karl-Heinz. Basel 7.2.1929 — Basel 11.3.1986. Swiss Indo-Tibetologist. Professor in Lausanne. Son of chauffeur Friedrich Z. and Frieda Schlotz. Studied music in Basel and in 1954-81 worked as piano teacher. From 1958 studies of Indology, Buddhism and Tibetology at Basel, Zürich and Freiburg i.Br. Ph.D. 1967 Basel. In 1971-79…

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ORAZIO DELLA PENNA DI BILLI, Francesco (Franciscus Horatius a Pennabilli; lay conte Luzio Olivieri). Pennabilli, Marche ?.11.1680 — Patan, Nepal 20.7.1745. Count. Italian Capuchin Missionary in Tibet. Born as an Italian nobleman, son of count Orazio Olivieri and his wife Francesca, entered the Capuchin monastery of Pietrarubbia in 1700.As a member…

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