BLAIR, Chauncey J.

BLAIR, Chauncey Justus. Chicago 3.12.1913 — 1999 (buried in Chapel Hill, N.C.). U.S. Indologist. Probably son of Chauncey Buckley Blair and Paulette M. Picard. Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania. In 1959 living in West Hyattsville, Maryland, in 1981 in Bowie, Maryland, and in 1986 in Franconia, N.B. Married Emma Jarvis Daggett…

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ATKINS, Samuel De Coster

ATKINS, Samuel De Coster. Madison, N.J. 25.10.1910 — Pomona, Calif. 20.3.2002. U.S. Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor at Princeton University. Studies at Princeton: A.B. 1931, A.M. 1932, Ph.D. 1935. In 1935-37 Assistant at Baylor, then at Princeton: Instructor in Classics and Sanskrit 1937-41, Assistant Professor of Classics and Sanskrit 1941-48…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich, the elder

ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich. Kastellaun near Koblenz 11.12.1851 — Berlin 29.7.1910. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Greifswald and Berlin. Son of farmer Heinrich Peter Zimmer and his wife Wilhelmine. Studied classics and Indology at Strassburg (Goldschmidt) and Tübingen (Roth), also Germanistics (Scherer) and Celtology (Windisch), strongly influenced by Weber. Ph.D.…

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SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Volodimir Petrovič Šajan)

SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Wołodymyr Petrovycz, Ukr. Volodimir Petrovič Šajan). Lemberg (then Austrian, now L’viv) 2.8.1906 — London 15.7.1974. Ukrainian Nationalist and Religious Enthusiast interested in Sanskrit. With his hometown became Polish citizen after WW I. Studied at Lwów (L’viv) philosophy, literature and Sanskrit (Stasiak). From 1934 on he propagated a “pan-Aryan” Slavic…

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POLOMÉ, Edgar C.

POLOMÉ, Edgar Ghislain Charles. Molenbeck-Saint-Jean near Brussels 31.7.1920 — Houston 11.3.2000. Belgian Linguist in the U.S.A. Professor in Austin, Texas. Son of a Walloon father (Marcel Félicien Polomé) and Flemish mother (Berthe Henry). Studies at Free University Brussels (B.A. 1940) and after war service at Catholic University Louvain (M.A. 1943), learned Sanskrit…

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NOWAK, Josef

NOWAK, Josef. 1??? — 19??. German Student of Indology or Comparative Linguistics. Ph.D. 1926 Freiburg i.Br. mentions one Josef N., born Stuttgart 1901, died 1988, who studied at Freiburg and was then living in Hildesheim as dramatist and journalist. But it also says that this J.N. had studied philosophy.…

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MONTESI, Giancarlo

MONTESI, Giancarlo. 1928 — 1983. Italian Scholar of Religion. Ph.D. 1954 Rome, under Pettazzoni. Worked at La Sapienzà teaching comparative religion. Publications: Diss. Tamas – Usas – Rtà. [1954]. – “II valore cosmico dell’Aurora nel pensiero mitologico del Rig-Veda”, Studi e materiali per la storia delle religioni 24-25, 1953-54, 111-132; “Uṣāsānaktā. Mitologia vedica della notte”, Studi…

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HIRZEL, Arnold

HIRZEL(-HENCKELL), Paul Arnold. Lenzurg, Canton Aargau 5.12.1861 — 8.1.1931. Swiss Indologist. Teacher in Aarau, grandson of —> Bernhard H. Son of Paul Arnold H., a lawyer, and Johanna Victoria Albrecht. Studies of classical philology, Romance and Germanic philology and Sanskrit at Strassburg (Strasbourg), Leipzig and Munich. Ph.D. 1890 Leipzig (under…

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GIRARD, A. 18?? — Liège 1887. Abbé. Belgian Indologist. Perhaps a student of Nève. He was reputed to have translated the Rigveda in French, but the manuscript has disappeared. Publications: Le Rig-Véda et ses derniers exégètes. Études védiques. 32 p. Liège 1886. Sources: Briefly mentioned by W. Callewart, “Indology Studies…

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GACHET, Benjamin

GACHET, Benjamin. Lille 1839 — 1???. French Linguist. In 1871 he was a repetiteur at the É.P.H.É. In some sources called Brachet. Publications: “Les missionnaires dans l’Inde actuelle”, La Libre Conscience 6.11. & 13.11.1869. – Prières antèhistoriques. Œuvres de Koutsa et Hirayastoupa. Trad. du sanscrit védique en vers fr. et…

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