SCHNEIDER, Ulrich. Peres, Kr. Borna (Sachsen) 2.4.1922 — 30.5.1992. German Indologist. Professor in Freiburg and Münster. In 1940 began studies of classics at Leipzig, soon switched to Indology under F. Weller, continued after long military service in navy. Now also took some Chinese and Japanese. Ph.D. 1950 Leipzig. Worked as…

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STASIAK, Stefan Bołeslaw. Warsaw 22.2.1884 — London 9.2.1962. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraina). Son of Adam Stasiak and Waleria Tuchowska. Studies of Philosophy, then of Indology at Vienna (under L. von Schroeder), Munich (Simon), Zürich (Kaegi) and Paris. Ph.D. with a dissertation on the unicorn legend.…

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SONNE, Wilhelm

SONNE, Wilhelm Günther Heinrich. Ilfeld am Harz 22.2.1820 — Wismar 3.5.1873. German IE Scholar. Schoolteacher in Wismar. Son of Heinrich Daniel Andreas Sonne (1780–1832) a teacher and Director of Ilfeld Gymnasium, himself educated at Göttingen Gymnasium 1831-32 and Hannover Lyceum (with G. F. Grotefend as Director). From 1839 studies of…

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SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas

SIEGFRIED, Rudolf Thomas. Dessau 1830 — Dublin 10.1.1863. German IE and Celtic Scholar in Ireland. Professor in Dublin. From Dessau. Studied 1850-51 at Tübingen under Roth, then at Berlin under Bopp and Weber, became soon interested in Celtology and went to England to write a comparative grammar. After reading the work…

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SIEG, Emil H.

SIEG, Emil Hermann. Breitenteich bei Angermünde, Uckermark, Brandenburg 12.8.1866 — Göttingen 23.1.1951. German Indologist and Tocharian Scholar. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of Hulius Ferdinand Sieg, a farmer and mill owner, and Malwine Stümke. Educated in Prenzlau. From 1885 studied classical philology at Berlin, then at Tübingen and Munich,…

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SIECKE, Ernst Ludwig Albert Karl. Spandau 19.1.1846 — 1935. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Schoolteacher in Berlin. After school and gymnasium in Spandau studied from 1864 IE Linguistics and Sanskrit at Berlin. He was the last student of Bopp, who taught him privately at home until his death, also attended…

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SCHERMAN, Lucian Milius. Posen (now Poznań in Poland) 10.10.1864 — Hanson, Mass. 29.5.1946. German Indologist and Anthropologist. Professor in Munich. Husband of —> Christine Scherman. Son of Adolph Scherman (1807–1876), a merchant and land owner, and Johanna Auerbach (1834–1907). After school in Breslau and Posen studies from 1882 at Breslau (Stenzler)…

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SCHEFTELOWITZ, Isidor Isaac. Sandersleben/Anhalt 1.5.1875 — Oxford 17/18.12. 1934. German (Jewish) Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor and Rabbi in Köln. Son of Benjamin Sch. (1848–1918, a rabbi and teacher) and Jenny Epstein. After school in Königsberg worked in trade, from 1897 studies at Königsberg and Berlin. Ph.D. 1901 Königsberg (under Bezzenberger). Rabbinical…

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SABBATHIER, Paul. Rouen 20.1.1841 — Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) 15.5.1909. French Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Vedic scholar, a student of Bergaigne and de Saussure, agrégé 1885 (Sanskrit). In 1899 living in Chantegrillet (Drôme), then again in Paris. One Paul Sabatier published a number of studies on Franciscan history since 1893, but he…

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WÜST, Walther

WÜST, Walther. Kaiserslautern 7.5.1901 — Munich 21.3.1993. German Indologist and IE Linguist. Professor in Munich. Son of a teacher. From 1920 studies of German, French and Indology at Munich. Ph.D. 1923 Munich. PD 1926 Munich. From 1932 ao. Professor and from 1935 ord. (Oertel’s successor, now for “Arische Kultur- und…

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