WINTERNITZ, Moriz. Horn/Nieder-Österreich 23.12.1863 — Prague 9.1. 1937. Austrian Indologist in Czechoslovakia. Professor in Prague. Son of a modest Jewish shop-keeper, Bernhard W. and Theresia Robitschek. Gymnasium in Horn. In 1880-85 studied at Vienna classics and philosophy, soon also Sanskrit (under Bühler). Ph.D. 1886 Vienna. In 1886-91 Assistant to Max…

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WINDISCH, Ernst Wilhelm Oskar. Dresden 4.9.1844 (or 14.9.?) — Leipzig (or Dresden?) 30.10.1918. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of a schoolteacher, Louis W. Windisch and Caroline Lamm.After Kreuzschule in Leipzig studiedfrom 1863 at Leipzig classics (under Ritschl), Germanic (Zarncke), Sanskrit (Brockhaus) and Comparative Linguistics (Curtius). Ph.D.…

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WILSON, Horace Hayman

WILSON, Horace Hayman. London 26.9.1786 (date uncertain) — London 8.5.1860. British Indologist. In India 1808-32, then Professor in Oxford. Born in a modest family. Educated in London and studied medicine at St.Thomas’ Hospital, but also learned the elements of minting. In 1808 left forBengal as Assistant-Surgeon, during the six months’…

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WILLMAN-GRABOWSKA, Helena Antonina Maria. Warsaw 4.1.1870 — Cracow 31.10.1957. Polish Indologist. Professor in Krakow. Daughter of Józef Wojciech Grabowski (1818–1892) and Elżbieta Lipińska (1848–1908). After school in Warsaw she became a schoolteacher in 1887 (when 17). Soon active in anti-Russian movement. Women were then not allowed to the university, but…

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WHITNEY, William Dwight

WHITNEY, William Dwight. Nothampton, Mass. 9.2.1827 (hardly 1828) — New Haven, Conn. 7/8.6.1894. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New Haven. Born in an old Yankee family as the son of a businessman, Josiah Dwight Whitney (1786–1869), and Sarah Williston (1800–1833). Educated in 1842-45 at Williams College (B.A. 1845). In 1845-49 he…

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WENZEL, Heinrich

WENZEL, Heinrich Christian Ferdinand. Mainz 7.6.1855 — London 16.6. 1893. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar in England. Son of Karl August Wenzel (1820–1894), a physician, and Amalia Ida Gabriele Michel. Educated in Mainz, matriculated 1874. Studies at Jena, Leipzig and Tübingen. Ph.D. 1879 Tübingen (under Roth). Further studies at Strassburg…

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WEBSTER, William Frederick

WEBSTER, William Frederick. London 15.7.1855 — London 10.3.1929. British Lawyer and Indologist. Son of William Thomas Webster. Attended the City School in London, from 1874 studies at Cambridge ( under Cowell). B.A. 1878, Indian Language Trip., 1st class 1879, M.A. 1881. In 1882 called to the Bar. Unmarried. Publications: With…

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WEBER, Albrecht

WEBER, Friedrich Albrecht. Breslau 17.2.1825 — Berlin 30.11.1901. German Indologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of Friedrich Benedikt Weber (1774–1848), a Professor of Economics (Cameralist). Educated at monastery school in Rossleben, learned there Greek and Hebrew. In 1842-45 studied classical and Oriental philology at Breslau (Sanskrit under Stenzler), for a while…

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WALLIS, Henry White

WALLIS, Henry White. Stockwell near London 10.7.1861 — Cambridge 18.7.1887. British Indologist. Son of Rev. Joseph Wallis (1823–1882) and Albina Elworthy (1827–1908), educated at St.Paul’s School in London. Studied at Cambridge Greek and Sanskrit under Cowell. Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. Unmarried. Publications: The Cosmology of the Rig Veda. An…

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ROTH, Rudolf (von)

ROTH, Walhter Rudolf (von). Stuttgart 3.4.1821 — Tübingen 23/24.6.1895. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of an official, Christoph Wilhelm Roth (1781–1834) and Caroline Regine Walther (d. 1825), of a family of Lutheran priests and teachers, lost his father in the age of 13, but was cared for by the…

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