MALLMANN, Marie-Thérèse de

MALLMANN, Marie-Thérèse Hélène Henriette Suzanne de. Paris 6.10.1909 — 21.9.1975. French Indologist and Art Historian. Daughter of Émile de M. (1863–1914) and Marie-Thérèse von Liebig (1871–1944). Before the war started studies at É.P.H.É. (Foucher, Przyluski and Mus, diplôme 1948) and École de Louvre (Hackin, Grousset and Stern, diplôme 1946) in…

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LADONNE, Justin Arthur. Bordeaux 20.5.1832 — Bassens, Gironde 30.8.1889. French self-taught Sanskritist in Bordeaux, where he gave a “cours libre de sanskrit” at Faculté de Lettres in 1886–89.Son of Erasme L. (d. 1833) and Marthe Durant. He was a landowner and belonged to local scholarly societies. Married 1864 Marie Louise Laure Balguerie,…

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LANJUINAIS, Jean Denis, comte de. Rennes 12.3.1753 — Paris 13.1.1827. French Politician, Lawyer, Journalist, and Pioneer of Indology. Son of the lawyer Joseph-Anne-Michel L. and Hélène Marguerite de Capdeville, of ancient Brittonic family. Studies of law at Rennes. Dr. of Laws and barrister 1771 (sic!), from 1775 Professor of Canonic…

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LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre

LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre. Nogent-sur-Marne (or Paris?) 4.8.1788 — Nogent-sur-Marne 11.8.1854. French Indologist. Schoolteacher and Member of Academy in Paris. Studies of Sanskrit under Chézy in Paris. Professor (teacher) of Rhetorics at Lycée de Charlemagne. Inspecteur de l’Académie de Paris. From 1835 member of A.I.B.L. Married, children. Langlois was the favourite student…

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LANGLÈS, Louis-Mathieu

LANGLÈS, Louis-Mathieu. Perenne (Welles-Pérennes) near St.Didier (Mont­didier, Oise) 23.8.1763 — Paris 28.5.(28.1.?)1824. French Oriental (especially Persian) Scholar. Son of a farmer, according to his own claim, of local gentry. Joined the army, but was sickly and quitted after the disappointment of being not sent to India and went to Paris.…

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LANG, Emmanuel

LANG, Emmanuel. 1878? — 1911 (when 33). French (?) Indologist. Studies of Sanskrit and Hindi at É.P.H.É. (S. Lévi) and É.L.O.V. in Paris, and social and economic sciences in London and Berlin. Died prematurely so that his only work was published posthumously. Publications: Edited & transl. “La mahajjātakamālā”, JA 10:19,…

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LANCEREAU, Édouard. Sedan (Ardennes) 27.6.1819 — Lisieux (Calvados) 25.12.1895. French Indologist. Studies in Paris, especially Sanskrit under Burnouf. For a while taught as professeur suppléant at Collège de Charlemagne, then concentrated on research and translating work (from Sanskrit and Hindi). Correcteur at Imprimérie national. Publications: Chrestomathie hindie et hindoue. Vocabulaire hindi-hindoui-français. 4+134+144…

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LA LANE, Pierre de

LA LANE, Pierre de (Lalane, Lalanne). Toulouse 6.8.1669 — Pondichéry 1746. S.J. French missionary in South India. Entered Jesuit order in 1685, in 1703 arrived at Pondichéry and began learning the language. Then worked there until his death (except three years in Tarcolam and a visit to Bengal). Publications: According…

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SCHWAB, Raymond.

SCHWAB, Raymond Sem. Nancy 23.2.1884 — Paris 2.6.1956. French Author and Historian of Oriental Studies. Son of insurance director Alexandre Schwab and Léontine Lévy. Licence-es-lettres 1906. Participated in WW I 1915-19. In 1920 adopted Catholic Christianity. Served in high public offices (in senate), in 1940 dismissed because of his Jewish…

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SUMMER, Mary (nom-de-plume, really Marie [or Louise-Charlotte] Foucaux, née Filon). 1842 — 1902. French Indological Author. Daughter of Auguste Filon (1800–1875), a historian, and Marie Théodorine Sandrie-des-Fosses, wife of —> Ph. Ed. Foucaux (1811–1894). Married in 1862 (one source claims 1859), lived with her husband in Paris. Publications: Les religieuses…

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