SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac (baron 1814). Paris 21.9.1758 — Paris 21.2.1838. French Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of Abraham Jacques Silvestre (1722–1765), a notary, and Marie Marguerite Judde, a Jansenist Jewish family, lost early his father. Privately educated, studied law. In 1781-92 worked in financial…

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ROLLAND, Romain. Clamecy (Nièvre) 29.1.1866 — Vézelay (Yonne) 30.12.1944. French author interested in Indian Thought, Personal Friend of Gandhi and Tagore. Also a firm Roman Catholic. Son of a notary, the family moved to Paris in 1880. Studies at École Normale Supérieure, worked as teacher until 1912, then free author.…

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PELLIOT, Paul. Paris 28.5.1878 — Paris 26.10.1945. French Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of merchant Charles Théodore P. and Marie Renault, educated in Paris. Studied in Paris for diplomatic career, but soon turned to Indology and Sinology under Lévi, Chavannes and Cordier. In 1900 joined the…

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MOZAC (Mosac), Antoine

MOZAC (Mosac), Antoine. Clermont 17.12.1704 — Pondichéry 4.12.1779. S.J. French Missionary in India. Entered S.J. in 1720, came to India 1735. First in south, from 1742 and still 1764 Superior of Bengal Mission in Chandernagor, then in 1775-77 Superior of Pondichéry Mission. In 1756 met Anquetil-Duperron. Besse (referring to *Sommervogel…

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MONOD-BRUHL, Odette Geneviève Eugénie (née Bruhl). Paris 10.11.1906 — Paris 15.1.1972. French Art Historian. Born in a well-to-do Jewish family, daughter of Henri Bruhl and Berthe Buna Zadoc-Kahn. Curator in Musée Guimet. Married 1938 Jacques Monod (1910–1976), a noted biologist and biochemist, two sons. Publications: Aux Indes: sanctuaires. Cent trente-six…

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MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda)

MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda). Fleurie-en-Beaujolais 10.4.1895 — Paris 10.10.1957. Father. French Catholic Priest, Monk and Hermit, an ardent proponent of Hindu-Christian interfaith dialogue. Son of wine merchant Antoine M. and Marie-Ursule Janin. From 1912 studies at seminary in Lyon, during WW I also taught there (he was himself freed from…

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MENASCE, Jean Pierre de

MENASCE, Jean de (born Jean André Moise de M.). Alexandria, Egypt 24.12.1902 — Paris 24.11.1973. Father. French Iranian Scholar. From his mother inherited French citizenship, father (banker, Baron Félix de M.) belonged to a Jewish family which had migrated from Spain to Egypt around 1500. Educated at French school in Alexandria,…

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MEILLET, Antoine

MEILLET, Paul Jules Antoine. Moulins (Allier) 11.11.1866 — Châteaumeillant (Cher) 12.9.1936. French Linguist. Professor in Paris. Lost his mother when 11. Spent his childhood in Moulins (home of his grandparents) and Châteaumeillant,where his father worked as notary. After Lycée Banville of Moulins he came to Paris in 1884 intending to…

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MEILE, Pierre

MEILE, Pierre. Asnières near Paris 23.2.1911 — Saint-Georges-de-Dionne (Charente-Maritime) 31.7.1963. French Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Born near Paris he became one of the last students of S. Lévi, also studied under Foucher, Bloch, Vendryes, Meillet, and Benveniste. Agrégé de grammaire 1935. In 1936-39 further studies in India, mainly at Santiniketan and…

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MAROUZEAU, Jules Emile. Fleurat (Creuse) 20.3.1878 — Iteuil (Vienne) 27.9.1964. French Linguist and Latin Scholar. Son of a farmer, educated in Guéret and at Lycée Lakanal. In 1901-07 studies at Sorbonne (agrégé 1904), under Meillet. Docteur-ès-lettres 1910 (both dissertations on Latin). In WW I in army and as prisoner…

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