GÖSSEL, Heinrich

GÖSSEL, Heinrich. Leipzig 11.1.1887 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Studied under Windisch in Leipzig before the WW I, Ph.D. (1914 called dr.), then Assistant there. Habilitation 1917 Leipzig, but apparently he could not begin as PD. Also interested in Old Iranian and IE. Publications: “Indische Strafrechtstheorien”, Fs. Windisch 1914,…

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GLEYE, Arthur

GLEYE, Arthur Wilhelm. Riga 21.10.1867 — Riga 5.2.1937. German (Livonian) IE Linguist. Son of Karl Eduard Gleye, a merchant, and Louise Henningson, a middle class family, studied in 1888-91 comparative philology at Dorpat (Tartu). Ph.D. 1893 Dorpat. Student of L. Meyer. In 1901-21 Lecturer of German at Tomsk University in…

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GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von)

GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von). Reval (Tallinn) 3.1.1800 — Ibid. 20.1.1884. Baltic German Physician interested in India. Son of Peter von Glehn (1751–1823), a merchant, and Mary/Margaretha Elisabeth Clayhills. Dr.med. Worked as Court Medicus for the Czar in St.Petersburg and collaborated with —> R. Lenz. Married Emilie Auguste Rosenbaum (1820–1894),…

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GLASENAPP, Otto Georg Bogislav von. Schivelbein, Hinterpommern (now Świdwin in Poland) 30.9.1853 — Berlin 3.3.1928. German Lawyer and Banker interested in India. Father of —> Helmuth von Gl. Son of Sigismund v. Gl., a pharmacian, of an very old Hinterpomeranian noble family, and Elisabeth Spener. From 1871 studies of law…

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GLASENAPP, Helmuth von

GLASENAPP, Otto Max Helmuth von. Berlin 8.9.1891 — Tübingen 25.6. 1963. German Indologist. Professor in Königsberg and Tübingen. Son of —> Otto von Gl. and Elisabeth (Lilli) Marie Jähns. Educated in Berlin, as a schoolboy already much interested in India and Sanskrit. After one term of law studies at Tübingen…

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GILDEMEISTER, Johannes Gustav. Klein-Piemen (now Kröpelin), Mecklenburg 20.7.1812 — Bonn 11.3.1890. German Indologist and Orientalist. Professor in Marburg and Bonn. Born in Mecklenburg countryside in a Bremenian patrician family, son of Johann G. (1784–1844), merchant and journalist, and Maria Anne Catharine Wienholt. Gymnasium in Bremen. Said to have studied Hebrew…

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GEYLER, Alexius

GEYLER, Alexius. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Religion. Ph.D. 1875 Jena. One Dr. A.G, was Lutheran vicar in Frankenthal (Gera) in 1881-94. Publications: Diss. Das System des Manichäismus und sein Verhältnis zum Buddhismus. 62 p. Jena 1875. Sources: Diss. in Janert, but no vita in diss; Thüringer Pfarrerbuch 4,…

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GEORGE, Dieter

GEORGE, Dieter. Frankurt a.M. 12.12.1935 — 8.9.1985. German Indologist. Son of Diplomvolkswirt Walter G. and Renate Robertson. In 1938 the family moved to Darmstadt, where he began school. In 1947 to Oberschule in Kassel and in 1948-56 at Gymnasium in Hofgeismar. From 1956 studies of Indology at Marburg under Nobel…

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GELPKE, Fritz Ludwig. Northeim, Hannover 29.12.1896 — 1945. German Indologist. Son of physician Joh. G. and Ottilie Doecks. Gymnasium in Northeim. Participated in WW I and never really recovered. Studies of Indology, Persian and ancient history at Göttingen (Wackernagel, Oldenberg, et al.) and Rostock. After a long interval because of a…

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GELDNER, Karl Friedrich

GELDNER, Karl Friedrich. Saalfeld (Sachsen-Meiningen) 17.12.1852 — Marburg/Lahn 5.2.1929. German Indologist and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of Friedrich G. (1821–1890), a minister (archdeacon), and Emma Müller (1822–1876). After school in Hildeburghausen studied from 1871 at Leipzig (under Brockhaus and Windisch), from 1872 at Tübingen (Roth). Ph.D. there 1875.…

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