FLORENZ, Karl Adolf. Erfurt 10.1.1865 — Hamburg 9.2.1939 (or 1.4.?). German Indologist and Japanologist. Professor in Tokyo and Hamburg. Son of Eduard Fl., a teacher, and Susanne Walther. Catholic, educated at Erfurt Gymnasium. From 1883 studies of modern and Oriental languages at Leipzig, where G. v. d. Gabelentz prompted him…

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FISCHER, Kurt (Curt) Bruno Otto. Berlin 2.3.1892 — Berlin 25.8.1942. German Bauddha. Son of a modest official, Gustav F. and Emilie Christophersen, himself worked then as official. Adopted Buddhism in 1918. Pupil, secretary and successor of Dahlke (d. 1928) as the leader of Buddhistisches Haus in Berlin-Frohnau, where he was…

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FISCHER, Klaus. Zittau (Sachsen) 23.11.1919 — Bonn 25.3.1993. German Archaeologist and Art Historian of South Asia. Professor in Bonn. Studied archaeology and art history at Heidelberg, Ph.D. there 1948 (diss. on barock architecture). In 1952 obtained a travel grant and studied two years art history in Calcutta under J. N. Banerjea…

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FINCK, Franz

FINCK, Franz Nikolaus. Krefeld, Ruhr 26.6.(26.2.?)1867 — Berlin-Südende 3./4.5.1910. German Linguist (Indo-Europaean and Gipsy, but also Bantu, Polynesian and Caucasian). Professor in Berlin. Son of the factory-owner Jakob F. and Agnes Neumann. Gymnasium in Krefeld, then in military service. After interrupted law studies served in army in 1886-91, then studied…

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FILCHNER, Wilhelm. Munich (or Bayreuth?) 13.9.1877 — Zürich 7.5.1957. German Geodesist and Explorer. Son of Eduard F. (1836-1882), Lazarettverwaltungsinspektor in Bayreuth, and Rosine von Leistner (1855-1908), Catholic. Lost early his father and lived in Munich with his mother and uncle. After school entered military career. As a second lieutenant he…

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FIGULLA, Hugo Heinrich

FIGULLA, Hugo Heinrich Max. Loslau, Kr. Rybnik, Oberschlesien (now Wodzisław Śląski in Poland) 27.12.1885 — London 6.2.1969. German Assyriologist and Hittite Scholar also interested in Dravidian. After gymnasium in Ratibor studied at Berlin and Breslau (Assyriology under Br. Meissner). Ph.D. 1911 Breslau in Assyriology. From 1912 worked in Vorderasiatische Museum…

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FICK, Richard

FICK, Richard Friedrich. Schwartau near Lübeck 7.2.1867 — Göttingen 18.12. 1944. German Indologist. Son of merchant Adolf Fick and Maria Loewe, went to school in Lübeck and from 1883 in Kiel, matriculated in 1885. Studies of German, English, philosophy and especially Indology (under Pischel and Jacobi) at Kiel. Ph.D. 1888…

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FICK, August

FICK, Friedrich Conrad August. Petershagen bei Minden 5.5.1833 — Hildesheim 24.3.1916. German Linguist (IE scholar). Professor in Göttingen and Breslau. Son of Otto Vicke (Fick), later Landes­ökonomie­kommissar, and Wilhelmine Hillefeld. School in Hildesheim. Studies of classical philology (K. F. Hermann), then comparative linguistics, Sanskrit and Avesta (Benfey). also Persian and Armenian…

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FICHTNER, Horst. Dresden 3.9.1893 — Berlin 12.5.1961. German Priest, Theologian, physician and Student of History of Medicine, apparently without any linguistic knowledge. Dr. med. 1924 Leipzig. Ph.D. Dr.theol. Taught at Theological Faculty, Berlin. A Nazi. Publications: Diss. an excerpt of 16 p. of the work publ. as Die Medizin im…

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FERTIG, Michael

FERTIG, Michael. Aschaffenburg? 1801 — Landshut 1873. German (Bavarian) schoolteacher. Probably studied at Würzburg (learning Sanskrit from O. Frank). From 1834 Latin teacher in Münnerstadt, then from 1846 in Passau. Occasionally also taught Sanskrit there. From 1855-69 Rector of Hans Carossa Gymnasium in Landshut. Married c. 1849. The Draupadi book…

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