HERSHMAN, Paul. Rochford, Cambridgeshire 17.3.1950 — Southend, Essex 8.1.1976, when 25. British Anthropologist. Fieldwork in the Punjab, 1972-73. The book is based on his unfinished Ph.D. diss. for the London School of Economics. Lecturer in Anthropology at University of Sussex. A noted chess player. Publications: Punjabi Kinship and Marriage. Ed. by…

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HAUGHTON, Henry Lawrence

HAUGHTON, Henry Lawrence. 1.11.1883 — 22.3.1955. British Colonial Officer in India. Major General. Son of Colonel John H., educated at Winchester and Sandhurst. In 1902 joined Wiltshire Regiment, 1903 to India, 1904 transferred to Indian Army. Captain 1911. In WW I served in Mesopotamia. In 1921 returned to England, from…

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HATCH, William John

HATCH, William John. Bere Alston, West Devon 1872 — 19??. British Missionary in South India. Son of Stephen Hatch and Elizabeth Williams. Served London Missionary Society in Coimbatore and Salem, 1899-1936. Married, children. Publications: The Land Pirates of India. An account of the Kuravers, a remarkable tribe of hereditary criminals, their…

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HARWARD, John Henry. Wirksworth, Derbyshire 27.5.1858 — Warwick, Queensland, Australia 30.9.1932. British Teacher in Sri Lanka. Educated in Durham, in 1878-81 studies at Oxford (University College, M.A.). In 1882-91 taught classics at Brighton College. In 1892-1902 Director of Royal College in Colombo, 1898-1915 also Director of Public Instruction. Then retired…

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HAMILTON, Robert Clifton

HAMILTON, Robert Clifton. 18?? — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. Served in India from 1893-1920. In 1900 he had been seven years Assistant Commissioner in Assam. Still living in 1932. He could well be the R. Cl. Hamilton of https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Oxford_men_and_their_colleges.djvu/667, born in Bath 1872, studied at Oxford from 1891…

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GRIFFITHS, Percival Joseph. Middlesex 15.1.1899 — 14.7.1992. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Joseph Thomas Gr., educated in London. M.A. Cambridge, then went to India in 1922, mainly served in Bengal. Finally District Magistrate of Medinipur in Bengal from 1933. Retired 1937, but stayed in India as a representative…

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GRANT, Sara. Shrewsbury 19.12.1922 — 2002. British Missionary and Indologist. Born of Scottish parents in England, educated in a convent in Brighton, converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of 19. After war studied classics at Oxford. She went to India as missionary in 1956 (member of the Sacred Heart…

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GRAHAM, James William

GRAHAM, James William. 17?? — 18??. British Colonial Officer in India. Joined E.I.C.’s army in 1800. Lieutenant (1819), then Major. Chief Interpreter and Translator to the Supreme Court of Judicature. He was cashiered in 1828 by sentence of a general court-martial and disappears. Publications: “A Treatise on Sufiism, or Mahomedan Mysticism”,…

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GOULD, Basil

GOULD, Basil John. Worcester Park near London 29.12.1883 — Yarmouth, Isle of Wight 27.12.1956.Sir. British Civil Servant in India, Political Officer in Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet. Son of Charles Gould and Ellen Utterton. After Winchester College studies at Oxford (New College). Joined I.C.S. in 1907. In 1912-13 British Trade Agent in…

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GOUGH, Charles John Stanley

GOUGH, Charles John Stanley. Chittagong 28.1.1832 — Clonmel, co. Tipperary, Ireland 6.9.1912. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. General. Born in Bengal into a family of Anglo-Irish gentry, son of judge George Gough and Charlotte Margaret Becher. Educated in the U.K. Entered Bengal European Cavalry in 1848. Served in the…

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