SANGERMANO, Vincentius.

SANGERMANO, Vincentius (Vincenzo). Arpino, Lazio 22.4.1758 — Arpino (or Leghorn?) 28.7.1819. Father. Italian Barnabite Missionary in Burma, a Scholar of Pāli and Burmese. Became novice in 1774. Sent to Burma in 1782. After brief stay in Ava worked long time in Rangoon as Principal of a missionary school. He knew…

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RAMPOLLA DEL TINDARO, Mariano. Polizzi Generosa, Palermo 26.10.1893 — Rome 21.10.1945. Monsignor. Italian Indologist. Born in a Sicilian noble family. Student of O. Nazari at Palermo, then at Università Gregoriana in Rome. Ordained priest 1920. With his early interest in India he planned a missionary career. Instead, from 1933 he…

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PEROGLIO, Celestino

PEROGLIO, Celestino. Palestro 1824 — Bologna 1909. Italian Historian and Geographer, interested in Indian Literature. Taught history and geography at technical school in Vercelli (founded by himself in 1854) and finally at University of Bologna. A Garibaldian nationalist and a freemason (grand master of Grande Oriente d’Italia). Publications: Del principio…

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PERINI, Osvaldo

PERINI, Osvaldo. Verona (?) 1826 — 1890. Italian Journalist, Author, Historian and Translator interested in Sanskrit Literature. In 1849 expelled as a nationalist from Verona by Austrian government, worked as teacher in Breno near Brescia, and, after a while in Lugano, in other Lombardian towns, in 1853-62 in Turin and…

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MORICI, Giuseppe

MORICI, Giuseppe. 13.9.1855 — 19??. Italian interested in Sanskrit. “R. Provveditore agli Studi a Macerata”. Publications: “Kālidāsa. Ritusanhāra. Traduzione in versi con note”, Orlando furioso. Rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti 2, Livorno 1886, 81-84, 92-96, 98-101; Kālidāsa. La nube messaggera. Poema tradotto. 79 p. Roma 1891 (and SFII 1-3,…

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MAROZZI, E. Raphael

MAROZZI, Eli Raphael. Motegallo 1913 — Honolulu 31.8.1999. U.S. (Italian-born) Artist (sculptor and ceramist) and Practiser of Vedānta. Came to the U.S.A. as child, grew up in Pennsylvania. In 1941-43 in army. Studies at University Washington (B.A. 1949) and of Hawaii (M.A. 1952), 1950 also in India (Indian art and…

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NOBILE, Riccardo

NOBILE, Riccardo. 1886 — 1930. Italian Interested in Sanskrit. Student of Kerbaker at Naples. Ph.D. Publications: “Notizie sulle sotto-caste nell’India, estratte, pubblicate e tradotte dai codici inediti del Jātiviveka”, Atti Della Reale Accademia di Archeologica, Lettere et Belle Arti, Napoli N.S. 1, 1910, 65-94. – Translated from Sanskrit: Calidasa: Sacuntala.…

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MORRO, Felice

MORRO, Felice. 18?? — 1???. Italian. interested in Sanskrit, fl. in the 1870s. Publications: Vālmīki. Tre capitoli dell’ Araṇyakāṇḍa o e 3° libro del Rāmāyaṇa, tradotti. 30 p. Schenone (Genoa) 1874. Sources: Title only in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; nothing in Internet.

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FAIANI, Antonio

FAIANI, Antonio. 17.8.1859 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indology. Director of R. Liceo-Ginnasio Massimo d’Azeglio in Turin. Perhaps lived into an advanced age. But sources are contradictory. One Antonio Faiani of Verona has life years 1859–1933. However, Pullé in OC 10, 1894, 2:10 ascribes the Meghadūta to the Director…

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STOHR, Paolo

STOHR, Paolo. 1907? — 1940? (when 33). Italian Indologist (Sanskrit Scholar), also knew well Classical languages. Carpani calls him Professor, perhaps in a school. Publications: Wrote some articles for the Rivista di Indologia, apparently never published. Sources: Short notice by E.G. Carpani, in IC 6:3, 1940, 367; not in Porru…

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