LINDEGGER, Peter. 1933 — Winterthur 11.12.2004. Swiss Classical and Tibetan Scholar. Educated in Aarau, after secondary school became a graphic designer and lithographer, but also continued his formal education matriculating in 1956. Then studies of classical philology. Worked as schoolteacher in Aarau and from 1965 in Winterthur. Since 1963 took…

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BRUNNER, Fernand

BRUNNER, Fernand. Lausanne 8.10.1920 — Cortaillod, canton Neuchâtel 1.11.1991. Swiss Philosopher. Professor in Neuchâtel. Studies at Lausanne (licence ès lettres 1942) and after war in Paris (Ph.D. 1951). From 1954 Professor at Neuchâtel, retired in 1986. In 1956-85 also taught at Bern. Publications: Much on Western and Islamic philosophy, beginning with…

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WIRZ, Paul

WIRZ, Paul. Moscow 29.5.1892 — Ulopu, Maprik, Papua New Guinea 30.1.1955. Swiss Ethnologist. Born of Swiss parents in Russia, son of Jakob Wirz (1856–1904), a businessman, and Louise Nidecker. School in Moscow and Zürich. Studied physics and chemistry at Technische Hochschule in Zürich, but soon turned to Ethnology. Ph.D. 1920.…

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WICKI, Josef

WICKI, Josef.  Zürich 30.6.1904 — Feldkirch, Vorarlberg 17.2.1996. Fr.  S.J. Swiss Historian of Missions. Son of Franz Wicki and Rosa Witprächtiger. Joined S.J. in 1922 in Tisis near Feldkirch. Studied philosophy at Berchmanskolleg in Pullach, Bavaria, and theology at Barcelona and Innsbruck. Dr. Theol. In 1935-88 worked in the Historical…

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VIRIEUX, Eugène. 1861 — 31.10.1923. Swiss Priest. Lic.théol. Ordained 1884. Pastor in Rougemont from 1885, in Champvent 1886, again in Rougemont 1889 and from 1894 until death in Crassier (Vaud). Publications: Le Bouddha, sa vie et sa doctrine: essai d’histoire des religions. 104 p. Lausanne & P. 1884 (inferior to Christianity).…

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SCHLAGINHAUFEN, Otto. St.Gallen 8.11.1879 — Kilchberg, Canton Zürich 14.11.1973. Swiss Anthropologist and Eugenicist. Son of merchant Daniel Otto Schl. and Emma Baumann, gymnasium in Bern. In 1899-1904 studied anthropology at Zürich. Ph.D. 1905. In 1906-11 worked as anthropologist in Dresden Museum of Zoology and Anthropology. In 1907-10 fieldwork in the…

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SARASIN, Paul Benedict. Basel 11.12.1856 — Basel 7.4.1929. Swiss Naturalist and Ethnologist. Son of politician Karl Sarasin (1815–1886) and Elisabeth Sauvain, a wealthy family, second cousin of —> Fritz Sarasin, with whom he then had a lifelong friendship. Together they studied zoology at Würzburg. Ph.D. 1882. In 1883-86 they made zoological…

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SARASIN, Fritz (Karl Friedrich). Basel 3.12.1859 — Lugano 23.3.1942.Swiss Naturalist. Son of cotton factory owner and politician Felix Sarasin (1797–1862) and Rosalia Brunner, second cousin of —> Paul Sarasin, with whom he then had a lifelong friendship. Studied natural sciences at Geneva and Basel, where he met his cousin. Together they…

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LOBSIGER-DELLENBACH, Marguerite (née M. D.). Geneva 9.7.1905 — Onex, Geneva 1993. Swiss Anthropologist and Ethnomusicologist. From 1922 secretary of Eugène Pittard. From 1947 Vice-Director and in 1952-63 Director of Musée d’ethnographie in Geneva (Pittard’s successor). Fieldwork in Nepal in 1952. Married 1936 George Lobsiger (1903–1988). Publications: Népal: Catalogue de la Collection d’Ethnographie…

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CANDOLLE, Bertrand de

CANDOLLE, Bertrand de. 1929 — 1999. Swiss, probably Catholic Missionary. Musée d’ethnographie de Génève has Indian material donated by him and the page gives name, life years and connection with the same museum (without mentioning India or his profession). Publications: “Contribution à l’étude des Nahals (Inde)”, Anthropos 56, 1961, 750-788. Sources: No further…

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