WAYMAN, Alex. Chicago 11.1.1921 — New York 22.9.2004. U.S. Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in New York. During WW II served in the army, over three years in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Australia (also studies at University of Queensland). Studied Mathematics at U.C.L.A.: B.A. 1948, M.A. 1949. Then from 1952…

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O’BRIEN, Paul W.

O’BRIEN, Paul Wilfred. 23.5.1908 — 9.2.2001. S.J. U.S. Missionary and Buddhist Scholar. Catholic Priest. From California, joined S.J. in 1925, ordained 1938. First went to China as missionary in 1932, then returned for studies. Ph.D. 1941 University of California, Berkeley. From 1945 Superior of California Jesuits in China. In 1953…

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LEVY, Robert I.

LEVY, Robert I. New York 1.6.1924 — Asolo, Italy 29.8.2003. U.S. Anthropologist with Psychoanalytic background. He was trained as a psychoanalytic psychiatrist and had a private practice in psychiatry for several years, before turning to Anthropology. In 1961 and 1962-42 Fieldwork in Tahiti. From 1969 Professor of Anthropology at University…

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JOHNSON, Edwin Lee

JOHNSON, Edwin Lee. Mount Vernon, Ill. 25.10.1874 — 1947.  U.S. Linguist. Son of Adam Clarke Johnson and Margaret Ann Sweeney. High School in Oxford, Miss. Studied at Mississippi University (A.B. 1894) and Vanderbilt University (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1910 Vanderbilt. Taught Latin and Greek at Quitman College, Ark. in 1896-98, Instructor…

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JAMESON, Michael H.

JAMESON, Michael H. London 15.10.1924 — Stanford 18.8.2004. U.S. Classical Scholar. Born in London where his parents, Raymond D. J. and Rose Perel J. were visiting from Peking, where his father was Professor of Western Literature. Grew up in Peking and London. A.B. 1942 University of Chicago in Greek. In…

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HOENIGSWALD, Henry Max (born Heinrich Max Franz Hönigswald). Breslau 17.4.1915 — Haverford PA 16.6.2003. U.S. (German-born) Linguist (IE and Hindi). Professor in Philadelphia. Studied comparative linguistics at Munich, Zürich, Padua, and Florence. He was forced to leave German because of his Jewish grandparents. Ph.D. 1936 Florence. In 1936-38 at Institute…

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GREY, Leslie

GREY, Leslie. 1916 — ????. M.D. Oxford. A psychiatrist and Professor in Denver, Colorado. M.D. He had served as Medical Attaché to U.S. Embassies in New Delhi and Kabul. One L.G. (M.D.) died in Denver in January 2004. Publications: A concordance of Buddhist birth stories. 43+268 p. Oxford 1990, 2nd…

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GARBACZ, Stephanie K.

GARBACZ, Stephanie Klosinski. Oil City, Venango PA 23.9.1922 — Alexandria VA 3.7.2003. U.S. IE Linguist. Married with Colonel Joseph F. Garbacz (1916–2013) of U.S. Army she lived in many places in and outside U.S.A., had two sons and began late the serious study. Ph.D. 1979 Georgetown University. Then taught Russian…

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CUTLER, Norman

CUTLER, Norman. Silver Spring Md. 10.5.1949 — 26.2.2002. U.S. Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Educated at University of Michigan (A.B.), University of Washing­ton (M.A.) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. under A. K. Ramanujan). In the middle of the 1980s Assistant Professor at Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, then…

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COHN, Bernard S.

COHN, Bernard Samuel. Brooklyn, N.Y. 13.5.1928 — Chicago 25.11.2003. U.S. Anthropologist. Graduated from University of Wisconsin (B.A. 1949) and Cornell University (Ph.D. 1954). In 1956-60 Research Assistant at University of Chicago, field-work in India 1957-59. In 1960-64 Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rochester University, from 1964 Professor of Anthropology and…

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