KONRAD, Paul. 1890 — 1963.  S.V.D. Father. German or Austrian (?) Catholic Missionary in India. In the late 1930s worked in Central India. At some time also in China. Publications: Ein Volk zwischen Gestern und Morgen Meine Fahrt zu den Bhagoria-Bhils in Zentralindien; Ein Tatsachenbericht. 363 p. Peiskretscham 1939. –…

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WIRZ, Paul

WIRZ, Paul. Moscow 29.5.1892 — Ulopu, Maprik, Papua New Guinea 30.1.1955. Swiss Ethnologist. Born of Swiss parents in Russia, son of Jakob Wirz (1856–1904), a businessman, and Louise Nidecker. School in Moscow and Zürich. Studied physics and chemistry at Technische Hochschule in Zürich, but soon turned to Ethnology. Ph.D. 1920.…

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SCHMIDT, Emil Ludwig. Obereichstätt, Bavaria 7.4.1837 — Jena 22.10.1906. German Ethnologist. Son of engineer Johann Georg Schmidt and Katharina Mariane Jakobine Metzler. From 1857 studied medicine at Jena, Leipzig and Bonn. M.D. 1861 Berlin. Worked as physician in Essen. Interested in anthropology he visited North America (1869-70 & 1876) and Egypt…

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LEMBEZAT, Bertrand

LEMBEZAT, Bertrand Jean François. Cairo, Egypr 8.3.1913 — 26.3.1986.French Ethnologist and Colonial Official. Son of Jean Lembezat and Marcelle Le Fee de Plaudren. Studies in Paris, diploms of École nationale d’outre-mer, École nationale des langues orientales and Institut d’ethnologie. In the 1930s in Cameroon, during WW II worked there for France…

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HORNELL, James. Manchester 1865 — Hastings 24.2.1949. British Zoologist and Ethnographer in South Asia. Son of a Scottish father and Lancashire mother, educated in Kirkcudbright, Scotland. Studied at University College, Liverpool. In 1891-1900 collaborated with Joseph Sinell in Jersey (also married his daughter). In 1900 went to Ceylon (Sri Lanka)…

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FURNESS, William Henry, III

FURNESS, William Henry, III. Wallingford, PA 10.8.1866 — 11.8.1920. U.S. Physician, Traveller and Ethnographer. Son of the Shakespearean scholar Horace Howard F. and Helen Kate Rogers (d. 1883). Educated at St.Paul’s School in Concord, NH. Studies at Harvard (B.A. 1988) and University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1891. Together with Alfred C.…

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PEAL, Samuel E.

PEAL, Samuel Edward. 31.12.1834 — Moran, Sibsagar 29.7.1897. British Lay Ethnographer and Botanist. Originally an artist, in 1862 went to India and became a tea-planter near Sibsagar, Assam. As a planter he did not succeed well, but gained some fame with his biological and ethnographical studies. Like many of his…

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SEIDEL, August

SEIDEL, August. Helmstedt 29.9.1863 — 1916. German Linguist and Ethnologist. In 1889-1903 General Secretary of Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft in Berlin. Publications: Theoretisch-praktische Grammatik der Hindustani-Grammatik, mit Übungsstücke in arabischer Schrift, und ein deutsch–hindustani Wörterbuch. 194 p. Die Kunst der Polyglottie. Vienna & Pest & Lp. 1893. – Praktisches Handbuch der arabischen Umgangssprache ägyptischen Dialekts.…

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RUSSELL, Robert Vane

RUSSELL, Robert Vane. Weymouth, Dorset 8.8.1873 — off the coast of Crete 30.12.1915. British Ethnologist in India. Son of Charles Robert Tilden Russell (1842–1918), a navy officer, and Cecilia (Cissie) Hutton-Potts (1852–1914). Educated at Winchester College, then studies at Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1893 joined I.C.S. Superintendent in 1901 census,…

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NESFIELD, John Collinson. Stratton St.Margaret, Wiltshire 14.8.1836 — Ealing, London 28.6.1919. British Teacher in India. Son of a cleric, Robert Carles N., and Eleanor Dale Collinson. Educated at Highgate Grammar School, teacher there 1859-64. Studies at Merton College, Oxford, B.A. 1860. M.A. 1862. Curate in Highgate, London, 1867 entered Indian service,…

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