LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič

LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič. Leningrad 21.1.1932 — Leningrad 10.9.1984. Russian Art Historian of Iran (Sasanid Period). Son of an army general, mother a physician. Grew up in Leningrad, in 1941-44 in Samarkand. Studied at Leningrad Oriental Faculty. Graduated in 1955 from Leningrad University (Oriental Faculty). Kand. ist. nauk 1961, Dr. ist.…

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HARMATTA, János. Hódmezővásárhely, komitat Csongrád 2.10.1917 — Buda­pest 24.7.2004. Hungarian Indo-Iranian Scholar. From 1935 studies of classical, IE and Iranian philology and Indology at Budapest, Ph.D. 1940 in Greek. From 1947 Docent of Greek at Budapest, from 1952 Professor of IE Linguistics (with Indo-Iranian studies) ibid. In 1988 emeritus, but…

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DAFFINÀ, Paolo. Rome 26.6.1929 — 23.11.2004. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Studies in Rome under Tucci and Petech. Ph.D. 1953 Rome. In 1954-55 and 1955-56 further studies at Nagpur and Poona (under Gokhale) in India. From 1959 Assistant, 1965 PD and 1967 Professor incaricato of East Asian History in Rome,…

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WICKI, Josef

WICKI, Josef.  Zürich 30.6.1904 — Feldkirch, Vorarlberg 17.2.1996. Fr.  S.J. Swiss Historian of Missions. Son of Franz Wicki and Rosa Witprächtiger. Joined S.J. in 1922 in Tisis near Feldkirch. Studied philosophy at Berchmanskolleg in Pullach, Bavaria, and theology at Barcelona and Innsbruck. Dr. Theol. In 1935-88 worked in the Historical…

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TOSCANO, Giuseppe

TOSCANO, Giuseppe. Parma 19.9.1911 — Parma 6.7.2003. Father. Italian Historian of Tibet Mission. In 1924 entered Missionari Saveriani, studied in Vicenza and Parma. Fully ordained 1932, worked in Ravenna and from 1936, as teacher of Latin, Greek and Italian, in Parma. From 1938 studies at Catholic University of Milano. Back…

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TIHANY, Leslie C.

TIHANY, Leslie Charles. Hungary 28.12.1911 — 1997. Hungarian Linguist and Historian in the U.S.A. Son of Béla Tihany and Katalin Báródy. Came to the U.S.A. in 1930, naturalized 1940. Studied at Franklin and Marshall College (B.Sc. 1931), Northwestern University (M.A. 1933, Ph.D. 1936), then at Harvard (M.A. 1938) and University…

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SYKES, P. Molesworth

SYKES, Percy Molesworth. Brompton, Kent 28.2.1867 — London 11.6.1945. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Diplomat. Brigadier-General. Son of army chaplain Rev. William Sykes (1829–1900) and Mary Molesworth, educated at Rugby, military education at Sandhurst. From 1888 served in 2nd Dragoon Guards in India, 1895 Lieutenant, 1897 Captain. In 1892 secret…

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STOKES, Eric Thomas. Hampstead, London 10.7.1924 — 5.2.1981.  British Historian of South Asia. Son of Walter John Stokes and his wife Winifred. Educated in London and during early war in Towcester, Northamptonshire. From 1941 studies at Cambridge (Christ’s College). Two years 1944-46 of war service in Indian Mounted Artillery, then back…

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SIEGLIN, Wilhelm

SIEGLIN, Wilhelm. Stuttgart 19.4.1855 — Bad Hofgastein, Austria 9.7.1935. German Historian, specialist of Historical Geography. Son of pharmacist Ernst Sieglin (1814–1855) and Mathilde Staub (1832–1895), educated in Stuttgart. From 1873 studies of classics and history at Tübingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1878 Leipzig. From 1880 Assistant Librarian, 1888 Kustos…

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SCOTT WARING, Edward  Warren Hastings. England 1783 — India 1821. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Major John Scott Waring (1747–1819) and Elizabeth Blackrie (1745–1796), nephew of —> Jonathan Scott. In Bengal Civil Service, worked in Bundelkhand. “Collector at Futteyghur.” From 1801 Assistant Professor of Hindustani at Fort William…

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