RÖNNOW, Kasten

RÖNNOW, Kasten Anders. Stockholm 24.1.1897 — Uppsala 2.5.1943. Swedish Indologist and Historian of Religions. Son of director August Rönnow and Hilda Jonsson, educated in Stockholm. Studied under Charpentier at Uppsala: Fil.kand. (M.A.) 1918, Fil.lic. 1923, Ph.D. 1927 Uppsala. Further studies in Munich and Paris. From 1928 Docent of Indology at…

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ROCCA, Vittorio

ROCCA, Vittorio. Leghorn 1.10.1862 — 19??. Italian Indologist. Docent in Rome. Studies at Pisa. From 1905 libera docenza in sanscrito at Pisa, apparently soon moved to Rome, still there in 1934. A specialist of dharmaśāstra, but also a fascist. Publications: Sulla valore della parola “barbaro” in India, in Grecia, in…

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ROADARMEL, Gordon Charles. Kharagpur, West Bengal 2.2.1932 — Berkeley 15.6.1972. U.S. Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Son of missionary parents, grew up in India, educated in Mussoorie (graduated from Woodstock School). In 1948 came to U.S.A., studied at Wooster College, Ohio (B.A. 1954 in English). After one year at Chicago Theological Seminary…

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RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič

RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič (Russian Pavel Grigor’evič Ritter). Čutove, Poltava obl. 5.4.1872 — 17.4.1939. Ukrainian Indologist, Literary Historian, Critic, etc. Professor in Harkiv. Son of the manager of a landed estate. Studies at Harkiv under Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij, mainly Slavic, but also Sanskrit. Graduated 1894. Further studies of Sanskrit in 1895-96 under Geldner in…

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RIEU, Charles Pierre Henri

RIEU, Charles Pierre Henri. Geneva 8.6.1820 — London 19.3.1902. Swiss Indologist and Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Professor of Arabic in Cambridge. Son of an officer (later the first syndic of Geneva), Jean Louis Rieu (1788–1868), and Françoise Lasserre. After Geneva Academy studies of Arabic (Freytag, Gildemeister), Sanskrit (Lassen), etc.…

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RIDDING, Caroline Mary. Meriden, Warwickshire 30.8.1862 — Cambridge 9.11.1941. Miss. British Indologist. Daughter of Rev. William Ridding (1830–1900) and Caroline Selina Caldecott. Studied classics and Sanskrit (under Cowell) at Cambridge, for a while scholar of Girton College (1883-86). Then further studies financed by tutoring. Living in Clapton (1892) and London…

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RICE, Benjamin L.

RICE, Benjamin Lewis. Bangalore 17.7.1837 — Harrow 10.7.1927. Rev. British Schoolteacher, Historian and Indologist in India. Born in South India, where his father, Rev. —> Benjamin H. Rice (1814–1887), was working as missionary with his wife, Jane Peach Singer. Educated at home, then sent to school in England. After having…

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RHYS DAVIDS, Thomas William

RHYS DAVIDS, Thomas William. Colchester, Essex 12.5.1843 — Chipstead, Surrey 27.12.1922. British Indologist, Pāli and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Manchester, Founder and President of the Pāli Text Society. Married with —> C. A. F. Rhys Davids (1858–1942). Son of Rev. Thomas William Davids (1816–1881), a minister and ecclesiastic historian of…

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RHYS DAVIDS, Caroline Augusta Foley

RHYS DAVIDS, Caroline Augusta Foley. Wadhurst, East Sussex 27.12.1858 — Chipstead, Surrey 26.6.1942. British Indologist, Pāli and Buddhist Scholar. President of the P.T.S. 1923-42. Daughter of Rev. John Foley (1805–1888) and Caroline Elizabeth Windham, her brother, John Windham Foley (1848–1926) was a missionary in India. Her sister was —> M.…

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REUTER, Julio Natanael

REUTER, Julio Natanael. Turku 7.1.1863 — Helsinki 9.1.1934. Finnish Indologist. Professor in Helsinki. Son of the school director Edvin Titus Feodor Reuter (1824–1899) and Aline Procopé (1828–1916), brother of the biologists (entomologists) Odo Morannal Reuter (1850–1913) and Enzio Rafael Reuter (1867–1951). After matriculation in 1880 from Åbo Svenska Klassiska Lyceet…

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