TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna

TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna (née Terent’eva). Leningrad 15.9.1925 — St.Petersburg 24.1.2003. Russian Indologist (Pañjabi). Daughter of I. Ja. Terent’ev and A. I. Čelunova. Studies at Leningrad, concentrating on Sanskrit and Pañjabi. In 1963-2000 worked as editor in Hudožestvennaja Literatura in Leningrad/St.Petersburg. Married with D. I. Tolstoj, at least one son. Publications: Jazyk…

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THIEME, Paul. Berlin 18.4.1905 — London 27.4.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Halle, New Haven and Tübingen. Son of Oskar Thieme (1868–1943), a minister, and Elisabeth Blancke (1870–1942), born as one of triplets. Gymnasium in Eisenach, privately learned Sanskrit from Fick’s textbook (from school he had Latin, Greek and Hebrew). From…

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SUHOČEV, Aleksej Sergeevič

SUHOČEV, Aleksej Sergeevič. Strežnevo, Oktjabr’skij raion, obl. Kursk 22.3.1928 — 2000. Russian Indologist, specialist of Urdu and Assami Literature. Son of a farmer. In army in 1950-56. Graduated 1957 from Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1962, Dr. 1976. From 1956 naučnyj sotrudnik, 1974 staršij n. s. at Oriental Institute, AN SSSR,…

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SCHULZ, Siegfried A.

SCHULZ, Siegfried Anton. 15.2.1925 — Washington, DC 25/26.1.2002. German Indologist in the U.S.A. Ph.D. Professor of Comparative Philology at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC (1969/87). Married, one daughter. Publications: “Hindu Mythology in Mann’s Indian Legend”, Comparative Literature 14, 1962, 129-142; “Die vertauschten Köpfe: Thomas Manns indische Travestie”, Euphorion: Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte 57,…

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SCHLERATH, Bernfried

SCHLERATH, Bernfried. Leipzig 15.5.1924 — Berlin 30.5.2003. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. The only child of literary editor Dr. Franz Schlerath and Karoline Suter, in 1928 the family moved to Frankfurt. Matriculated 1943, briefly student at Frankfurt, in 1944-45 in the army as wireless operator. Studies of IE, Iranian and Indology at…

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PLAESCHKE, Herbert Karl Alfred. Wismar 1.6.1928 — 29.12.2002. German (East) Indologist and Art Historian. Son of Alfred Plaeschke, a book dealer, and Margarete Möller. Studies of Oriental archaeology (H. Mode) and Indology (Ammer) at Halle, graduated 1959. Dr.phil. 1963 Halle. 19??. PD 1971 Halle. Worked as wiss. Mitarbeiter in Universitäts-…

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NESPITAL, Helmut Ernst Robert. Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 4.8.1936 — Berlin 10.5.2001. German Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Professor in Bamberg. Son of Fritz N. und Elfriede Thiel. Grew up in Berlin. Studied at Humbold University in Berlin (East), began with philosophy, but soon turned to Oriental languages (Indian, Persian, Turkish, Arabic). M.A. 1960 Berlin.…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič

KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič. Manguša (village) Mariupol’skogo uezda Ekaterinoslavskoj gub. (Peršotravnevoe village Donskoj obl., now Manguš in Ukraine) 21.7.(3.8.)1908 — St.Petersburg 17.3.2001. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of a worker. Graduated 1932 from Leningrad Institut istorii, filologii i lingvistiki, student of Ščerbackoj and Barannikov. Kand. filol. nauk 1941. In 1935-37 naučnyj sotrudnik…

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DIMOCK, Edward C., Jr.

DIMOCK, Edward Cameron, Jr. Roslindale, Boston 18.3.1929 — Centerville, Barnstable, MA 11.1.2001. U.S. Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Professor in Chicago. Educated at Roxbury, studies at Yale (B.A. 1950) and Harvard (S.T.B. 1953), ordained priest 1954. First studied architecture. Further S.T.M. 1954, Ph.D. 1959 Harvard (Ingalls). Taught at University of Chicago: 1959-61…

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