PLAESCHKE, Herbert Karl Alfred. Wismar 1.6.1928 — 29.12.2002. German (East) Indologist and Art Historian. Son of Alfred Pl., a book dealer, and Margarete Möller. Studies of Oriental archaeology (H. Mode) and Indology (Ammer) at Halle, graduated 1959. Dr.phil. 1963 Halle. 19??. PD 1971 Halle. Worked as wiss. Mitarbeiter in Universitäts-…

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NESPITAL, Helmut Ernst Robert. Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 4.8.1936 — Berlin 10.5.2001. German Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Professor in Bamberg. Son of Fritz N. und Elfriede Thiel. Grew up in Berlin. Studied at Humbold University in Berlin (East), began with philosophy, but soon turned to Oriental languages (Persian, Turkish, Arabic). M.A. 1960 Berlin. Then…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič

KAL’JANOV, Vladimir Ivanovič. Manguša (village) Mariupol’skogo uezda Ekaterinoslavskoj gub. (Peršotravnevoe village Donskoj obl., now Manguš in Ukraine) 21.7.(3.8.)1908 — St.Petersburg 17.3.2001. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist. Son of a worker. Graduated 1932 from Leningrad Institut istorii, filologii i lingvistiki, student of Ščerbackoj and Barannikov. Kand. filol. nauk 1941. In 1935-37 naučnyj sotrudnik…

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DIMOCK, Edward C., Jr.

DIMOCK, Edward Cameron, Jr. Roslindale, Boston 18.3.1929 — Centerville, Barnstable, MA 11.1.2001. U.S. Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Professor in Chicago. Educated at Roxbury, studies at Yale (B.A. 1950) and Harvard (S.T.B. 1953), ordained priest 1954. First studied architecture. Further S.T.M. 1954, Ph.D. 1959 Harvard (Ingalls). Taught at University of Chicago: 1959-61…

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BUGAULT, Guy. St.Coulomb, Brittany 17.7.1917 — Le Reincy (Seine-Saint Denis) 27.10.2002. French Indologist. Student of Lacombe. Taught at Université de Paris-X-Nanterre, then Professor of Indian and Comparative Philosophy at Paris IV (Sorbonne), retired. Specialist of Indian philosophy, especially Buddhist. Publications: Diss. Le Vijnānavāda selon Paramārtha, d’après la trad. commentée et…

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BAUMER, Rachel Van Meter

BAUMER, Rachel Van Meter. 1928 — 1995. U.S. Indologist (Bengali). Student of T. W. Clark. Ph.D. 1964 University of Pennsylvania. First taught at Michigan State University, from 1970 at University of Minnesota, later in the 1970s Professor and chairperson of the South Asia Program at the University of Hawaii. Buried…

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ATKINS, Samuel De Coster

ATKINS, Samuel De Coster. Madison, N.J. 25.10.1910 — Pomona, Calif. 20.3.2002. U.S. Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor at Princeton University. Studies at Princeton: A.B. 1931, A.M. 1932, Ph.D. 1935. In 1935-37 Assistant at Baylor, then at Princeton: Instructor in Classics and Sanskrit 1937-41, Assistant Professor of Classics and Sanskrit 1941-48…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich

ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich. Kastellaun near Koblenz 11.12.1851 — Berlin 29.7.1910. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Greifswald and Berlin. Studied classics and Indology at Strassburg (Goldschmidt) and Tübingen (Roth), also Germanistics (Scherer) and Celtology (Windisch), strongly influenced by Weber. Ph.D. 1876 (?). PD 1878 Berlin. In 1881-1901 Professor of Sanskrit…

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ZIMIN, Aleksandr Semënovič

ZIMIN, Aleksandr Semënovič. Krasnoe Selo near St. Petersburg 11.(23.)8.1880 — Leningrad early 1942. Russian Indologist. Born in a peasant family, educated in St.Petersburg. After military medical school worked in 1897-1908 in hospitals of St.Petersburg and in Sestroreck nearby, but also passed high school studies. In 1909 left the army and began…

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