PISCHEL, Richard

PISCHEL, Richard. Breslau 18.1.1849 — Madras 26.12.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel, Halle and Berlin. Son of Ernst Gottfried Pischel, a manufacturer of surgical instruments, and Emilie Haertel (d. 1857). After school in Breslau studied Sanskrit (under Stenzler) and classical philology at Breslau. Ph.D. 1870 Breslau. After war service further…

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PINCOTT, Frederic

PINCOTT, Frederic. 1836 — Lucknow 1896. British Indologist. Apparently he was in India. Last years living in London (1892). Without giving any details my heritage.com mentions Fr. P. who was born c. 1836 and married Elizabeth. Publications: With C. A. Godde de Liancourt, Primitive and universal laws of the formation and…

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PICKFORD, John. 18?? — 1???. British Indologist. Studies at Oxford (Brasenose College) under Monier Williams (1865 there), Boden Scholar of Sanskrit. M.A. Until 1872 Professor of Sanskrit at Presidency College in Madras. Retired from the membership of R.A.S. in 1873. At least he cannot be the same as J.P., “a…

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PETRUNIČEVA, Zorja Nikolaevna

PETRUNIČEVA, Zorja Nikolaevna. Moscow 26.7.1926 — 27.5.1995. Russian Indologist (Historian and Telugu Scholar). Daughter of an official. Graduated 1948 at Moscow, in history. Kand. ist. nauk 1955. From 1953 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute of Academy of Science in Moscow. Publications: At least 120 publications, i.a. – Kand.diss. Krestjanskoe i…

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PETROV, Pavel Jakovlevič

PETROV, Pavel Jakovlevič. St.Petersburg 25.(7.)7.1814 — Moscow 7.(19.)9.1875. Russian Indologist and Arabic Scholar. Professor in Kazan and Moscow. Son of a poor schoolteacher, Jakov Osipovič Petrov, he was educated in St.Petersburg and Moscow and graduated (kand.) from Moscow University in 1832. Then he studied Oriental languages and Sanskrit (under Lenz)…

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PETERSON, Peter. Edinburgh 12.1.1847 — Bombay 28.10.1899. British (Scottish) Indologist in India. Professor in Bombay. Son of merchant John Peterson and Grace Mountford Anderson. Father was a native of Shetland Islands, therefore also the son often described himself as Shetlander. Educated in Edinburgh, then studies of Indology, etc., at Edinburgh…

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PERTSCH, Wilhelm

PERTSCH, Ludwig Karl Wilhelm. Coburg 19.4.1832 — Gotha 17.8.1899. German Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Librarian in Gotha. Son of Ludwig Pertsch, a lawyer, lost early his father. After Coburg Gymnasium studied from 1850 at Berlin Oriental languages, especially Sanskrit under Weber. After one term under Roth at Tübingen returned to…

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PERTOLD, Otakar. Jaroměř, Hradec Králové 21.3.1884 — Prague 3.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Indologist and Anthropologist. Professor in Prague. Born in Northern Bohemia as son of a chemist and owner of a sugar factory. Educated in Slany 1894-1902, then studies of classical philology, philosophy, Oriental languages (under Zubatý et al.) and astronomy at…

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PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio

PAVOLINI, Paolo Emilio. Leghorn 10.7.1864 — Quattordio 15.9.1942. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence. Son of Giovanni P., a teacher, and Lidia (or Lida) Vanneschi. Studied in 1883-86 at Pisa (under Teza), graduated 1886 with diss. on Homeric names and epithets. In 1889-91 further studies at Berlin (Weber & Pischel) From…

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PAVIE, Théodore

PAVIE, Théodore Marie. Angers (Maine-et-Oise) 16.8.1811 — 1.5.1896 (or 29.4.). French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of Louis Joseph Pavie (1782–1859), a printer, and Eulalie Fabre (died early), brother of the poet and art historian Victor Pavie (1808–1886). Educated at Collège Royal d’Angers. Travelled much in his early years, in…

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