MODE, Heinz

MODE, Heinz Adolf. Berlin 15.8.1913 — Halle 6.6.1992. German (East) Indologist and Art Historian. Professor in Halle. Son of pharmacist Hugo Mode and Erna Kassel. Gymnasium in 1919-31 in Berlin, then studies of art history, archaeology, ethnology, prehistory and Indology at Berlin. As Jew forced to emigrate. From 1933 studies…

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MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič

MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič. Dresden, Germany 25.9.(13.9.)1880 — Ariana, Tunisia 1936. Russian Indologist. Son of Dmitrij Gavrilovič Mironov and his wife Taisija Alekseevna. After Gymnasium in St.Petersburg in 1891-98 studies at univer­sity there in 1898-99, and in Germany: 1899-1901 at Strassburg under Hübschmann and Leumann, 1901-02 at Berlin under Geldner, Sieg…

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MINARD, Armand

MINARD, Armand. Paris 30.12.1906 — Paris 17.4.1998. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon and Paris. Son of a modest trader, educated at Lycée Chaptal. In 1927-32 studies at École Normale Supérieure and É.P.H.É. (Meillet, Lévi, Bloch, Renou). Licence ès Lettres 1928, agrégation de grammaire 1930. Ph.D. 1937 Paris. From 1933 chargé…

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MINAEV (Minayeff), Ivan Pavlovič

MINAEV (Minayeff), Ivan Pavlovič. Tambov 9.(21.)10.1840 — St.Petersburg 1.(13.)6. 1890. Russian Indologist. Professor in St.Petersburg. Son of a modest official, educated at home and at gymnasium of Tambov. Studies of Chinese and Sanskrit at St.Petersburg (under Vasil’evand Kossovič) and then under Weber at Berlin.Also visited Paris and London for manuscript…

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MILLOÜÉ, Léon-Joseph de

MILLOÜÉ, Léon-Joseph de. Colmar, Alsace 30.6.1842 — 1917 (Wikidata: Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines) 29.1.1925). French Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1879-99 Director, 1885-1913 Conservator and librarian of Musée Guimet in Lyon and, after the move in 1888, in Paris. Publications: Catalogue du Musée Guimet. Pt. 1. Inde, Chine et Japon, 1917…

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MILLER, Barbara Stoler

MILLER, Barbara Stoler. New York 8.8.1940 — New York 19.4.1993. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New York. Daughter of Sara Stoler. Educated at Great Neck High School (where Wendy Doniger was her classmate). Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University (B.A. 1962, M.A. 1964). Ph.D. 1968 at University of Pennsylvania under W.…

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MILL, William Hodge

MILL, William Hodge. Hackney, Middlesex 18.7.1792 — Brasted, Kent 25.12.1853. Rev. British Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of John Mill, of Dundee, and Martha Hodge. Privately educated by Dr. Belsham, a Unitarian preacher, studies at Trinity College, Cambridge: B.A. 1813, Fellow 1814, M.A. 1816. In 1818 ordained priest, still…

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MEZLER, Otto. 1??? — 19??. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1922 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Untersuchungen zum altindischen Beamtenwesen. Manuscript, Vienna 1922. Sources: Diss. in Janert.

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MEYER, Johann Jakob

MEYER, Johann Jakob. Frankenmuth, Saginaw County, Michigan 25.4.1870 — Chur 2.4.1939. German (U.S.) Indologist. Born in an outlying German colony in a poor and big family of German immigrants, being the oldest child of Johann Michael Meyer, of Franconian origin, and Anna Katharina Engel. He was able to enter college…

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MERVART, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna

MERVART, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna (née Levina). St.Petersburg 25.8. (6.9.)1888 — Moscow 9.9.1965. Russian Indologist, Anthropologist and South-East Asian (Indonesian) Scholar. Daughter of Aleksandr Mihajlovič Levin, Professor at Academy of Military Medicine. Gymnasium in St.Petersburg. Began study at St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty in 1910, married 1912. In 1914-18 in India and Sri Lanka…

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