GAWROŃSKI, Andrzej. Geneva 20.6.1885 — Jósefów near Warsaw 11.1.1927. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lwów. Son of the historian Franciszek Rawita-G. (1845–1930) and —> Antonina Gawrońska, born in Switzerland during his parents’ exile, they returned in 1887. Educated in Warsaw and Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraina), in 1903-05 studies at Lwów…

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FABRICIUS, Pierre. Berlin 23./30.4.1912 — 20.12.1988. French (of German origin) Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar. Student of Zimmer at Heidelberg, emigrated because of Nazis. In 194?-74 taught Greek and Latin in Phnom Penh, then Professor of Sanskrit (?) in France (or perhaps schoolteacher of German). Specialist of vyākaraṇa. Publications: Mainly…

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DANDOY, Georges

DANDOY, Georges. Hemptinne, Namur 5.2.1882 — Calcutta 11.6.1962. S.J. Belgian Missionary-Indologist in India. Studied philosophy at Namur (1905-05) and at Stonehurst Jesuit College, England (1905-07), then 1907-09 Sanskrit at Oxford. Taught at St.Xavier’s College in Calcutta in 1909-12, then 1912-16 theological studies at St.Mary’s in Kurseong near Darjeeling. Ordained priest…

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BARTH, Marie-Étienne-Auguste

BARTH, Marie-Étienne-Auguste. Strasbourg 22.3.1834 — Paris 15.4.1916. French Indologist. Born in Strasbourg as the son of catholic father, commis-négociant Étienne B., and protestant mother, Marie-Wilhelmine Stoeber. Educated in Stras­bourg, 1856 lic. ès lettres. Taught logic and rhetorics at Bouxviller Collège near Savern from 1857, privately studied Sanskrit, and in 1861…

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BARRIGUE DE FONTAINIEU, Gérard Hilaire Prosper Emmanuel Hippolyte, Baron, 1895 Marquis de Fontainieu. Marmande (Lot et Garonne) 26.7.1863 — Paris 15.4.1927. French Indologist, specialist of Tamil and Hindustani. Son of Prosper BdeF and Françoise Delage, member of a family coming from Marseille and belonging to nobility from the early 18th century. Diplome…

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ARENSKIJ, Pavel Antonovič

ARENSKIJ, Pavel Antonovič. Livny, Orlov gub. 1887 — 25.12.1941. Russian Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Son of a composer, A.S.A. Living in Moscow, after revolution joined the Red Army and worked in visual agitation in Smolensk. From 1921 at Oriental Institute in Moscow, from 1922 nayčnyj sotrudnik, 1923-25 teaching Hindustani. He was…

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ZUBATÝ, Josef. Prague 20.4.1855 (or 1851?) — Prague 21.3.1931. Czechoslovakian Indologist and Slavic Scholar. Professor in Prague. Studied classical philology, Czech, Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics at Prague (under Ludwig). Ph.D. 1883. PD 1885 Prague, in the Czech branch of the University, succeeding Vaníček in Sanskrit teaching. From 1894 Professor of…

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WILLIAMS, Robert Hamilton Blair. Buckland, East Tilbury, Essex 21.8.1915 — 1975 (place and date not known). British Indologist. At S.O.A.S. in London. Son of Hamilton Blair Lee Williams. Graduated B.A. 1937 from S.O.A.S. in Indo-Aryan (under Turner). Assistant Keeper in India Office Library (Sanskrit, Pāli and Prākrit books) in 1939-46…

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WEILER, Royal W. Allentown, PA 16.9.1927 — Philadelphia County ?.1.1987 (when 59). U.S. Indologist. Professor in Philadelphia. Son of Fred W. Weiler, Sr. (1902–1951) and Jane Katharine Edwards. Graduated 1945 from Allen High School. Studies at University of Pennsylvania (B.A. 1951), Ph.D. there 1956 (under W. N. Brown). Then one…

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VIZEL’, Oskar Èmil’evič.

VIZEL’, Oskar Èmil’evič. St.Petersburg 1895 — Solikamsk, obl. Perm 6.3.1939. Russian Indologist, Tibetologist, Japanologist and Archaeologist. Born in an noble family of Austrian origin, son of Emil Anton Joseph Wiesel and Alexandra Hermina Strauss. From 1915 studies at St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty. In the 1920s worked in Ethnographic Kabinet in Petrograd,…

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