LANCEREAU, Édouard. Sedan (Ardennes) 27.6.1819 — Lisieux (Calvados) 25.12.1895. French Indologist. Studies in Paris, especially Sanskrit under Burnouf. For a while taught as professeur suppléant at Collège de Charlemagne, then concentrated on research and translating work (from Sanskrit and Hindi). Correcteur at Imprimérie national. Publications: Chrestomathie hindie et hindoue. Vocabulaire hindi-hindoui-français. 4+134+144…

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LAMOTTE, Étienne

LAMOTTE, Étienne. Dinant 21.2.1903 — Brussels 5.5.1983. Monseigneur. Belgian Indologist and Catholic Priest. Professor in Louvain. Born in a big family as the son of the court officer and historian Georges L. (1861–1952). After classical education in Dinant took ecclesiastic career like his brother. Now studied classical languages and scholastic…

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STEINTHAL, Paul. 18?? — 19??. German Indologist. Ph.D in 1881 Leipzig. One P.St., Ph.D., was living in Heidelberg in the 1920s. Publications: Diss. Specimen der Nāyādhammakahā. 84 p. B. 1881. – Edited: Udānaṁ. 8+104 p. L. 1885 (repr. P.T.S. Text Ser. 142). – “Aus den Geschichten früherer Existenzen Buddhas”, Zeitsch.…

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SCHOEBEL, Charles (Karl)

SCHOEBEL, Charles (Karl Friedrich). Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 20.10.1813 — Paris 8.12.1888 ( 16.11). German Indologist, Ethnograph and Linguist in France. Lost early his father, the elder Carl Schoebel, the chamberlain of the Grand Duke, who then supported his studies in Berlin. Around 1838 moved to France, first in Toulouse, soon to…

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SCHÖNBERG, Ignaz. Baraczhaza, Hungary (now Barateaz in Romania) 7.4.1860 (hardly 1856) — Vienna 29.1.1886. Austrian (or German) Indologist. Son of Markus Schönberg and Johanna Chaja Katalin. Educated in Temesvar (Timişoara) and Pest, in 1873 the family moved to Vienna. Student of Bühler at Vienna University, Ph.D. 1884. In May 1884…

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STOHR, Paolo

STOHR, Paolo. 1907? — 1940? (when 33). Italian Indologist (Sanskrit Scholar), also knew well Classical languages. Carpani calls him Professor, perhaps in a school. Publications: Wrote some articles for the Rivista di Indologia, apparently never published. Sources: Short notice by E.G. Carpani, in IC 6:3, 1940, 367; not in Porru…

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SULEJKIN, Dmitrij Aleksandrovič

SULEJKIN, Dmitrij Aleksandrovič. 1900 — 1948. Russian Indologist. Studies at Leningrad (under Ščerbatskoj), then employed as naučnyj sotrudnik at the Oriental Institute of the Soviet Academy of Science in Leningrad. He was a Sanskrit scholar interested in state, society and history of ancient India. Publications: A few articles Sources: Briefly…

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SCHOTERMAN, Jan Anthony. Amersfoort 27.3.1948 — Amersfoort 29.6.1989. Dutch Indologist. Son of Willem Rudolf Sch. and Randi Oppedal. Educated in Amersfoort. In 1968-73 studies of Indo-Iranian and Dravidian at Utrecht, travelled in South and South-East Asia. Ph.D. 1982 Utrecht (under Bodewitz). Taught Indology at Utrecht, for a while also at…

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SCHOMERUS, Hilko Wiardo

SCHOMERUS, Hilko Wiardo. Marienkate, Ostfriesland 7.1.1879 — Halle 13.11.1945. German Missionary and Indologist (Tamil Scholar). In India 1902-12, Professor in Halle. Son of a physician, Cornelius Poppäus Schomerus, and Friederike Sophie Ries. Educated in Emden and from 1897 at missionary seminary in Leipzig, left for India in 1902 following in…

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STEVENSON, Alice Margaret (née Adams). Sheldon, Warwickshire 26.12. 1875 — Dublin 11.5.1957. British Missionary and Indologist. Daughter of H. O. Adams and his wife Emily. Educated at The Ladies’ College in Jersey, studies at Somerville College, Oxford, and at Trinity College, Dublin. In 1899 Honour, School of Jurisprudence, Oxford. In 1900…

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