COLETTI, Alessandro

COLETTI, Alessandro. Trieste 1928 — Rome 1985 Italian Linguist. Studied law at Bologna. As teacher in Italian school in Egypt learned Arabian. In 1973-74 in Italian Intitute in Teheran, in 1975 visited Afghanistan and Pakistan. Professor. Married Hanne Grünbaum (of Denmark, d. 1988). Publications: Grammatica della lingua persiana; con esercizi,…

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BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič

BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič. Kerensk (now Vadinsk in obl. Penza) 13.(25.)5.1818 — Ljubino near Moscow 31.7.(12.8.)1897. Russian IE and Slavonic Linguist. Educated in Kerensk and Penza. From 1834 studies of Russian linguistics at Moscow, magistr 1843. In 1838 travelled in Germany, Italy and France. In 1841-47 gymnasium teacher in Moscow, the…

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BONFANTE, Giuliano

BONFANTE, Giuliano. Milano 6.8.1904 — Rome 9.9.2005. Italian IE and Romance Linguist. Son of Pietro B. (1864-1932), Professor and scholar of the history of Roman law. Studies of literature and law in Rome. Professor from 1929 at Naples, in 1933-37 in Madrid, Spain, 1938-52 in Geneva, Switzerland, 1939-52 at Princeton,…

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BAADER, Theodor

BAADER, Theodor Ludger Josef Anna Maria. Münster 25.4.1888 — Hiltrup, Westfalen 16.4.1959. German Linguist. Ph.D. 1913 Münster (diss. on local dialect). From 1923 Professor of Germanic and Celtic Languages at Nijmegen, taught there until 1944. A militant catholic and Nazi sympathizer he fled before the allied forces to Münster, where…

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ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand

ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand. 26.3.1914 — 1962.  Polish Linguist. Ph.D. Docent at Poznań. Publications:La chronologie de la monophtongaison des diphtongues dans les langues indo-européennes. 55 p. Poznański Towarzystwo Przyjacioł Nauk: Prace Komisji filologicznej 16:4. Poznań 1956. Sources: *L. Zabrocki, Slavia occidentalis 23, 1963, 325-327.

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WESTCOTT, Roger Williams. Philadelphia 28.4.1925 — Southbury, Conn. 21.11.2000. U.S. Linguist. From 1942 studies at Princeton, Ph.D. 1948 in Oriental Languages. Taught at M.I.T., Boston University, University of Michigan, Southern Connecticut State University, Wilson College, finally Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics at Drew University, emeritus. Publications: “Toward a more concise inventory…

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WEINREICH, Uriel. Wilno, Poland (now Vilnius. Lithuania) 23.5.1926 — New York City 30.3.1967. U.S. (born Polish Jew) Linguist. Son of linguist Max Weinreich (1894–1969), a specialist of sociolonguistics and Yiddish, originally from Courland, and Regina Szabad (1898–1974), came via Denmark to New York with his father in 1940, citizen 1945…

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TUCKER, Thomas George

TUCKER, Thomas George. Burnham, Buckinghamshire 29.3.1859 — Stope Cove, Devon 24.1.1946. British Classical Scholar in Australia. Professor in Melbourne. Son of Charles Tucker, agent, and Elizabeth Rolfe. Educated in Northampton and Lancaster, studies at Cambridge (St. John’s College, Fellow 1882). M.A. 1885. From 1883 Professor of Classics and English at…

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TROST, Paul/Pavel

TROST, Paul/Pavel. Šternberg, Moravia 3.10.1907 — Prague 6.1.1987. Czech IE, Slavic and German Linguist. Son of engineer Karl and Paula Trost, a Catholic family. Professor in Prague. Gymnasium in Brno, studies of IE and general, Romance, Germanic and Slavic linguistics at Prague German University in 1928-34. Ph.D. 1934 Prague, under…

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SWADESH, Morris. Holyoke, MA 22.1.1909 — México City 20.7.1967. U.S. Linguist. Son of Bessarabian Jewish immigrant parents. Etudies at University of Chicago (B.A., M.A.), then followed his teacher E. Sapir to Yale (Ph.D. there 1933). In 1937-39 taught at University of Wisconsin in Madison, then in war service (some time…

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