MITTELBERGER, Hermann. Klagenfurt 25.1.1935 — Treibach-Althofen, Kärnten 13.5.2004. Austrian IE Scholar. Professor in Graz. School in Klagenfurt, from 1953 studies of classics, IE and Sanskrit at Vienna. Ph.D. 1962  Vienna. In 1957-62 Assistant of Indology at Vienna, then briefly at Utrecht. From 1964 Assistant, from 1969 also PD at Würzburg.…

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MAKAEV, Ènver Ahmedovič

MAKAEV, Ènver Ahmedovič. Moscow 28.5.1916 — Moscow 31.3.2004. Russian IE and Germanic Linguist. Graduated from German department at Moscow 1937, taught there 1938-60. Kand. filol. nauk 1940. Dr. filol. nauk 1964 (diss. on German). In 1954-76 worked in German section of Linguistic Institute of Soviet Academy. Professor 1971. Publications: Edited:…

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KILLINGLEY, Siew-Yue (née Leong Siew-Yue). Kuala Lumpur 17.12.1940 — 8.6.2004. Malaysian Chinese Linguist and Author in the U.K. Born in a Cantonese speaking family. M.A. University of Malaya, then teacher of English. Married in 1935 with Indologist Dermot Hastings Killingley (b. 1935), moved to U.K. in 1968. Ph.D. S.O.A.S. From 1970 in…

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JOHNSON, Edwin Lee

JOHNSON, Edwin Lee. Mount Vernon, Ill. 25.10.1874 — 1947.  U.S. Linguist. Son of Adam Clarke Johnson and Margaret Ann Sweeney. High School in Oxford, Miss. Studied at Mississippi University (A.B. 1894) and Vanderbilt University (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1910 Vanderbilt. Taught Latin and Greek at Quitman College, Ark. in 1896-98, Instructor…

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HOENIGSWALD, Henry Max (born Heinrich Max Franz Hönigswald). Breslau 17.4.1915 — Haverford PA 16.6.2003. U.S. (German-born) Linguist (IE and Hindi). Professor in Philadelphia. Studied comparative linguistics at Munich, Zürich, Padua, and Florence. He was forced to leave German because of his Jewish grandparents. Ph.D. 1936 Florence. In 1936-38 at Institute…

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HART, Gillian (Jill) R.

HART, Gillian (Jill) R. Eastbourne, Sussex 11.8.1934 — 8.2.2004. British Indo-European Linguist. Daughter of farmer Alexander and Catherine Hart. After school in Reading briefly studies at local university, then from 1954 at Oxford (mainly Classics, also Sanskrit under Burrow). M.A. B.phil. In 1960-69 Lecturer in Classics at University College of…

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GALTON, Herbert

GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon…

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ERHART, Adolf. Náměšt’ nad Oslarov, okr. Třebíč 31.5.1926 — Brno 11.8.2003. Czech IE Lin­guist. In 1945-49 studies at Brno (under Machek), then worked as a teacher. In 1965 Machek’s Assistant, from 1988 Professor at Brno, retired 1993. Married Olga Erhartová (1950–2019), a Romanist. Scholar of IE linguistics in the tradition…

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DEROY, Louis

DEROY, Louis. Feche-Slins, prov. Liège 15.2.1921 — 2003. Belgian Linguist (Sanskrit and Greek). Studies at Louvain and Paris. Dr. en philosophie et lettres (classical philology) 1946, Licencié en histoire et litteratures orientales (Indology) also in 1946. At University of Liège: 1848 Assistant, 1956 chef de travaux, 1960 agrégé, 1961 maître…

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COLETTI, Alessandro

COLETTI, Alessandro. Trieste 1928 — Rome 1985 Italian Linguist. Studied law at Bologna. As teacher in Italian school in Egypt learned Arabian. In 1973-74 in Italian Intitute in Teheran, in 1975 visited Afghanistan and Pakistan. Professor. Married Hanne Grünbaum (of Denmark, d. 1988). Publications: Grammatica della lingua persiana; con esercizi,…

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