TRÜBNER, Nicholas

TRÜBNER, Nicholas (born Johann Nikolaus Tr.). Heidelberg 17.6.1817 — London 30.3.1884. German Oriental Scholar, Publisher and Bookseller in London. Son of goldsmith Karl Albrecht Tr., gymnasium in Heidelberg. Joined a bookseller in Heidelberg in 1832, from 1838-43 at publishing houses in Göttingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Hamburg and Frankfurt. In 1843…

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TROVANELLI, Silvio. Bologna 18?? — Bologna before 1911. Italian Legal Scholar interested in Indology. Graduated 1883 Bologna (in Law). Worked as lawyer, also Docent of Juridical Philosophy (libera docente in Filosofia del diritto) at Bologna University. In his book he used translations, for the Rāmāyaṇa Gorresio, for the Raghuvaṁśa Fauche.…

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TREVER, Kamilla Vasil’evna.

TREVER, Kamilla Vasil’evna. St.Petersburg 13.(25.)1.1892 — Leningrad 13.11.1974. Russian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Daughter of a Baltic German worker and his wife, née Ehrenstreit, educated at German school in St.Petersburg. Graduated 1913 from Women’s Faculty, St.Petersburg. Kand. ist. nauk 1938, Dr. 1939. In 1913-18 taught in women’s courses and in…

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TOUSSAINT, Gustave-Charles

TOUSSAINT, Gustave-Charles (Gustave Frédéric Charles). Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) 11.1.1869 — Paramé, Saint-Malo 12.10.1938. French Colonial Servant and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Benoît Toussaint, a railway inspector, and Hélène Feutrier. school and law studies in Rennes. In 1887-93 lawyer in Rennes. Then served in New Caledonia (1893-95) and Pondichéry (1895-97), then juge…

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TOMSON, Aleksandr Ivanovič

TOMSON, Aleksandr Ivanovič (Thomson). Near Dorpat (Tartu), Livonia 3.(15.)6.1864 — Odessa 27.11.1935. Russian (Estonian) Linguist (Phonetician), Scholar of Slavic, Sanskrit and Armenian. Son of Estonian parents, Juhani and Emilia Thomson. From 1882 studies at St.Petersburg, graduated 1887. Further studies in Moscow, under Fortunatov and Korsch, wrote his diss. on Armenian (dr.…

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TOL’STOV, Sergej Pavlovič

TOL’STOV, Sergej Pavlovič. St.Petersburg 12.(25.)1.1907 — Moscow 28.12.1976. Russian Archaeologist and Central Asian (Turkmenian) Scholar. Son of an officer, Pavel Sergeevič Tol’stov (1878–1916) and Maria Ivanovna Badaeva (1881–1924). Graduated 1930 from Moscow University, in history. Dr. ist. nauk & Professor 1943. In 1926-29 naučnyj sotrudnik in Moscow Museum and 1929-36…

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TIELE, Cornelius Petrus

TIELE, Cornelius Petrus. Leiden 16.12.1830 — Leiden 11.1.1902. Dutch Scholar of Comparative and Iranian Religion. Son of a printer-merchant, Cornelius Tiele (1794–1847) and Maria Johanna van Kampen (1809–1846), educated in Leiden, studied theology at Amsterdam in 1848-53. In 1853-56 Remonstrant minister in Moordrecht, in 1856-73 in Rotterdam. From 1873 Professor…

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THONNELIER, Jules. 18?? — 1879?. French Oriental Scholar. Apparently private scholar in Paris, member of Société Asiatique and Sociéte del’histoire de France. Several literary plans remained inconcluded at his sudden death. Collected a large personal library. Also interested in geology. Married. Publications: Sur les origines sémitiques et indo-tartares de la…

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TAYLOR, Arnold C.

TAYLOR, Arnold Charles. Kingswood, Surrey 12.8.1867 — Hove, Sussex 1955. British Teacher interested in Pāli. Son of Rev. Samuel Barnard Taylor. After studies at Oxford (M.A.) teacher at Uppingham School (1894 already there). Publications: Edited: Kathāvatthu. 1-2. 660 p. L. 1894-97, repr. as P.T.S. Text series 48-49. L. 1979; Paṭisambhidāmagga.…

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TAGLIABUE, Camillo. Milano 1838 — Milano 16.10.1905 (when 67). Italian Missionary and Urdu Scholar. Worked as missionary in Hyderabad, Deccan, in 1864-78. From 1879 to his death Professor of Hindustani at I.U.O.N. in Naples, in 1892-97 also professore incaricato of English. His grammar is based on that of Platts. Publications:…

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