VREEDE-DE STUERS, Cora (née Suzanne Coralie Lucipara de Stuers). Bodegraven, South Holland 29.11.1909 — Baarn, prov. Utrecht 11.11.2002. Dutch Sociologist. Daughter of Eugène de Stuers, director of machine industry, and Susanna Teding van Berkhout. Educated in Utrecht, in 1928-35 studied art history, Malay and ethnology in Paris. In 1936 travelled…

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SMITH, William C.

SMITH, William Carson. 1883 — 19??. U.S. Sociologist. Graduated 1907 from Grand Island College, Nebraska. In 1912-15 educational work in Assam for American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. Back in the U.S.A. studied Sociology at University of Southern California and University of Chicago. Taught at several American universities. Publications: The Ao…

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ROSS, Aileen D.

ROSS, Aileen Dansken. Montreal 1902 — 1995. Canadian Sociologist. Born of a wealthy family. Studies at London School of Economics (B.Sc. 1939) and University of Chicago (M.A. 1941). Ph.D. 1951 Chicago (diss. on Anglo-French relations in Canada). In 1942-45 Lecturer in Sociology at Toronto. From 1944 Lecturer, 1951 Assistant Professor,…

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ZILBERMAN, David B. (David Benjaminovič Zil’berman). Odessa (now Ukraine) 25.5.1938 — Boston 25.6.1977. Russian (Ukrainian?) Philosopher and Sociologist in the U.S.A. Son of Benjamin Z., an engineer-economist, and Riva Timaner, a physician. Studied engineering and meteorology in Odessa. In 1962-66 meteorogist of Ašhabad Airport in Turkmenistan. In 1962 befriended with…

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MAUSS, Marcel

MAUSS, Marcel. Épinal (Vosges) 10.5.1872 — Paris 10.2.1950. French Sociologist and Anthropologist. Born in an Alsatian Jewish family, son of merchant Gerson Mauss and Rosine Durkheim. Studied philosophy at Bordeaux under his famous uncle É. Durkheim. After agregation (1895) studied Sanskrit (S. Lévi) and comparative religion in Paris. He had…

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HUBERT, Henri Pierre Eugène. Paris 23.6.1872 — Chatou (Yvelines) 25.5.1927. French Sociologist, Scholar of Ancient History and Religion. Born in a middle class family, son of François Hyppolite H. and Rosalie Virginie Vitry. He grew up in Paris, from 1892 at École normale supérieure, agrégation in history 1895. Studied religion…

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DUMONT, Louis Charles Jean. Thessaloniki (Osman Empire) 11.8.1911 — Paris 19.11.1998. French Sociologist and Indologist. Son of a railway engineer, lost early his father. After restless youth (he left school when 18 and tried various odd jobs) he studied ethnology under Mauss. The plans of a doctorate about Celtic survivals…

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