ROE, Charles Arthur

ROE, Charles Arthur (or C. Arthur Roe). Blandford Forum, Dorset 4.9.1841 — Oxford 28.1.1927. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of John Bannister Roe and Mary Anne Allies. Educated at Lancing, Sussex, studied “at Merton College, Oxford [Boden Sanskrit scholar there]. Joined the Civil Service in the Panjab, 1863,…

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TROVANELLI, Silvio. Bologna 18?? — Bologna before 1911. Italian Legal Scholar interested in Indology. Graduated 1883 Bologna (in Law). Worked as lawyer, also Docent of Juridical Philosophy (libera docente in Filosofia del diritto) at Bologna University. In his book he used translations, for the Rāmāyaṇa Gorresio, for the Raghuvaṁśa Fauche.…

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THOMSON, H. Byerley

THOMSON, Henry William Byerley (until 1846 Henry William Th.). ?.5.1822 — Colombo 6.1.1867. British Lawyer in Sri Lanka. Son of the well known physician, Anthony Todd Thomson (1778–1849) and Katherine Byerley (1797–1862), an authoress, elder brother of —> J. C. Thomson. Studies at London University College and Cambridge (Jesus College,…

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PRINSEP, Henry Thoby

PRINSEP, Henry Thoby. Thoby Priory, Essex 15.7.1792 (or 1793) — Freshwater, Ile of Wight 11.2.1878. British Civil Servant in India. Son of John Prinsep (1746–1830), soldier returned from India and turned into industrialist and politician, and Sophia Elizabeth Auriol (1760–1850), brother of —> James Prinsep (1799–1840). Educated privately and at…

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VINCENZI, Carlo. 18?? — 19??. Italian interested in Sanskrit. Publications: Manava-Dharma-Sastra. Le leggi di Manu. Istituzioni religiose e civili dell’ India primitiva. Traduzione con note. 243 p. Biblioteca Universale 322-323. Milano n.d. (1904). Sources: Title only in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911 and in Internet.

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VALLAURI, Mario. Viareggio (Lucca) 31.7.1887 — Dronero (Cuneo) 19.9.1964. Italian Indologist. Professor in Turin. Born in an old Piemontese family, son of Giuseppe Vallauri (1840–1902) and Maddalena Pronetti. Studied Indology at Naples under Kerbaker(degree 1911). Further studies in 1912 at Florence under Pavolini and 1913-14 at Würzburg under Jolly, concentrating…

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ORIANNE, Georges-Barthélemy

ORIANNE, Georges-Barthélemy. London 9.3.1802 — Pondichéry 22.4.1854. French Colonial Servant and Indologist interested in Indian law. Son of Claude Charles O. and Mary Keech. Served in Chandernagore, from 1841 conseilleur à la Cour royale de Pondichéry, finally President of Cour d’appel there. Translated Indian legal works from English. Married 1838…

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MODDER, Frank (Francis Hudson Lowe Modder). Colombo 4.6.1861 — 5.6.1916. British Colonial Officer in Sri Lanka. Major. Son of John William Modder (1831–1863) and Caroline Frances Anjou. Member of the Ceylon Branch of Royal Ceylon Asiatic Society from 1890. Chief Justice. Married Edith Blanche Joseph (1866–1924), father of Montagu Frank…

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MAYR, Aurel

MAYR, Aurel. Budapest 10.3.1845 — 9.4.1914. Hungarian Indologist. Professor in Budapest. Son of Thomas Aloysius Mayr (d. 1847), a pharmacist moved to Hungary from Kärnten, educated at Piarist gymnasium in Budapest. After law studies at Budapest turned to philology (Sanskrit) and continued his studies at Berlin (Weber) 1868-70, Tübingen (Roth)…

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MAYNE, John D.

MAYNE, John Dawson. Dublin 31.12.1828 — Berkshire 1917. British (Irish) Lawyer in India. Son of John Mayne, Barrister-at-law in Dublin who died in 1828 before his birth, and Anna née Graves. “Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, called to the bar, 1854. Practised at the English bar, 1854-56, at the Madras…

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