HERBERICH, Gustav. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indology. A student of Jolly at Würzburg, Ph.D. there 1893. He was then Realschulassistent in Neuburg, later perhaps in Munich. The Washington Post 12.2. 1911, p. 59 tells that “Frau Paula Herberich is being tried in Nuernberg for killing her husband, Dr.…

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JONES, William

JONES, William. Westminster 28.9.1746 — Calcutta 27.4.1794. Sir. British Pioneer of Indology. Judge in Calcutta. He was the youngest child of the mathematician William Jones (1675–1749), originally a Welshman from Anglesey, and Maria Nix. Lost early his father and was raised by mother. Educated from 1753 at Harrow, where he…

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JOLLY, Julius E

JOLLY, Julius E. Heidelberg 28.12.1849 — Würzburg 25.4.1932. German Indologist. Professor in Würzburg. Born in a family with strong academic traditions, son of Philipp von Jolly (1809–1884), later Professor of Physics at Munich, and Luise Wüstenfeld. In 1867-71 studies of Oriental, Indo-Iranian and IE linguistics at Munich (Haug), Berlin (Weber)…

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HAUGHTON, Graves Champney

HAUGHTON, Graves Champney. Dublin 1788 — St.Cloud near Paris 28.8. 1849. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Indologist. Son of the physician John H. (originating from a Lancashire family), educated in England. Obtained a cadetship in Bengal army and left for India in 1808. Soon learned Hindi. In 1812 he got…

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HARINGTON, John Herbert

HARINGTON, John Herbert. Woodford, Witshire 12.3.1765 — London 9.4.1828. British Civil Servant and Oriental Scholar in India. In India 1780-1819 & 1822-28. Son of Rev. John H. and Rachel Hawes (d. 1782). Came to India in 1780 as a Writer of E.I.C. in Calcutta, 1781 Assistant in Revenue Department, from…

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HALL, Fitzedward

HALL, Fitzedward. Troy, N.Y. 21.3.1825 — Marlesford, Suffolk 1.2.1901 (or 11.2.?). U.S. Indologist, in India 1846-62 and then in the U.K. Born in an old New England family, son of Daniel Hall, a lawyer, and Anginetta Fitch. Educated in Troy, Walpole and Poughkeepsie, graduated 1842 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as…

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HALHED, Nathaniel Brassey

HALHED, Nathaniel Brassey. Westminster 25.5.1751 — London 18.2.1830. British Precursor of Indology. Son of William H., a bank director, educated at Harrow. From 1768 studies at Christ Church, Oxford, where —> William Jones prompted him to study Arabic. After a brush-off accepted a post of Writer and left for India…

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GÖSSEL, Heinrich

GÖSSEL, Heinrich. Leipzig 11.1.1887 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Studied under Windisch in Leipzig before the WW I, Ph.D. (1914 called dr.), then Assistant there. Habilitation 1917 Leipzig, but apparently he could not begin as PD. Also interested in Old Iranian and IE. Publications: “Indische Strafrechtstheorien”, Fs. Windisch 1914,…

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GAMPERT, Vilem (Wilhelm)

GAMPERT, Vilém (Wilhelm). Prague 29.6.1902 — Prague 14.3.1987. Czech Indologist. Studied Indology at German University of Prague under Winternitz and O. Stein. Ph.D. there 1928. From 1929 worked in university library, in 1939-45 in German army. In 1945-78 he was a scientific worker at Oriental Institute of the Charles University…

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FORCHHAMMER, Emmanuel. St.Antönien, Chur 12.3.1851 — Myingyan 26.4.1890. Swiss Indologist (Pāli Scholar) in Burma, Pioneer of Burmese Archaeology. He was born in Switzerland as the son of Rev. Christian Gottlieb F. (1814–1859, came from Schleswig-Holstein), Lutheran minister in Prätigau, and Elisabeth Schlegel (1824–1891, Swiss), his brother was the church musician…

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